Mission Planner / Web App
Learn more about mission planning, flight management, and account admin
Mission Planner
The Dronelink Mission Planner is where you create, edit, and preview missions. You can mission pla...
Create New Missions Using Templates
To Create anything new in Dronelink, start by selecting the Create button from your home page. ...
Add (+) Menu for Mission Planning
The Add Menu is how you build mission plans, whether you have started from a Template from the Cre...
Automatic Capture - Video and Photos
Automatic Capture is the easiest way to capture video or continuous photos. Automatic capture is s...
3D Planner - 3D Preview and Virtual Drone
The 3D Planner opens a 3D Preview showing a Virtual Drones field of view and the flight path. Move...
Mission Preview
Before flying your mission in the real world, use the Mission Preview to fly your mission with a v...
Mission Estimate
A mission estimate can be generated by selecting the Mission Estimate button below the plan name. ...
Move a Mission Plan - Move Reference
You can move an entire mission plan including all the mission components together by selecting Mov...
Navigating the Home Screen, Using Search and Filters
The Home Screen of your account is where you access all your mission plans, flights, repositories,...
Link Missions Together and Automate Settings all in 1 Mission
A core feature of Dronelink is the ability to link together various mission components as well as ...
Import Files to Create Missions (KML/KMZ, Litchi CSV, .dronelink, Agisoft)
Import files to Create Mission Plans by selecting Import from the Create Menu. Supported files inc...
Mission Planner Mode - Normal / Expert
The Dronelink mission planner can be set to 2 modes: Normal: shows the most important settings. D...
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Enable two-factor authentication for your Dronelink user profile or account to increase security. ...
Export to KMZ file and Google Earth for 3D Preview and Playback
Learn how to export a mission to Google Earth to preview in 3D. Either using the Google Earth appl...
Review Mission History - Successful, Paused, and Aborted Missions
Review the flight status of missions from both the web app, and the mobile app using the Mission H...
Flight Management Portal - Mission History. Reviewing a Successfully Completed Mission in the Web App
For any successful mission, useful information is collected and accessed from your Dronelink accou...
Save Recently Flown Missions as Plans and Edit
Select a recently flown mission, such as a on-the-fly mission, and save it as an editable mission ...
Toggle Map Visibility to Show or Hide Mission Components
When planning missions with multiple mission components, such as a map with a path or orbit, you c...
Show / Toggle Capture Markers in Mission Preview
Turn on capture markers in the mission preview to see the locations of data capture. Step 1 - In ...
Organizing Mission Plans with Repositories - Public and Private Permissions
Dronelink automatically places your initial missions in a repository called "My First Project" As ...
Sharing Mission Plans
Sharing mission plans can be done in several ways and depends on the permissions you want to grant...
Shared Repositories - Sharing Mission Plans Privately as Run Only, View and Run, and Edit and Run
Shared repositories are for professional Growth users seeking to collaborate and share mission pla...
Undo and Redo While Mission Planning - Keyboard Shortcuts
While mission planning, use the undo or redo buttons as you design your mission. Using a computer,...
How to Enable Drone Offsets / Mission Alignment (Georectification)
Drone Offsets can be enabled for any mission, and are used to align / georectify a mission plan in...
Add Menu Favorites - Star Items for Quick Access
When mission planning using the Add Menu, star an item you use often to mark it as a favorite. Fav...
Discover Existing or Create Your Own Reusable Mission Components - Including 360s, Camera Settings, and More
Components used to build missions include core Dronelink components, such as path, orbit, map, lis...
Review Locations of Captured Data Files After Flights in the Web App
After flying a mission, view the location of captured files overlayed on your mission plan. Files ...
How do I setup Aloft Air Control flight logging integration?
Sync DJI flight logs with Aloft’s Air Control platform for fleet and airspace management. The flig...
Basics of Mission Plan Editing - Waypoint Flight Plan
In this section we will cover a few basic editing techniques to your flight plan. We'll make adjus...
Explore and Test On-the-fly Functions with a Virtual Drone
Dronelink on-the-fly functions generate missions 'on-the-fly' using the connected drone position a...