The Home Screen of your account is where you access all your mission plans, flights, repositories, and components. The left side contains a list view with search and filters, with the list showing the most recently used items on top, and the map on the right, showing pins based on your filter.
Selecting the Dronelink logo, or the Home tab, will bring you back to this Home page.
Using Filters
Select the pill shaped filters, Plans, Components, Missions... to filter to those items.
Filtering by Flown Missions
View missions you have flown by selecting either the Missions Tab, or the Missions filter
In the Mission view, you can filter further by Mission Status (Succeeded, Paused, Aborted), as well as use both Search and a Date Range filters. The most recent missions are displayed at the top and the map pins also change to only show filtered missions.
Paused missions will display how much of the mission has been completed with a progress bar.
Using Search
Just begin typing in the search bar. You need to be in the Missions tab to search missions.