Dronelink automatically places your initial missions in a repository called "My First Project"
As you create more mission plans, you may want to organize your mission plans by creating new repositories (a folder).
Repositories and the mission plans within them can be Public or Private. Public repositories are the default. Private repositories are available for Premium plans and higher.
Repository: A folder with access permissions. Dronelink repositories are used to organize mission plans, components and more. Repositories can be set to be public or private.
From the Create Menu, you can select which repository new mission plans are created in.
Step 1 - Creating a New Repository
From the Create menu, Select Repository
Step 2 - Give it a Name and Set Permissions
In the dialog that opens, give it a name, such as "Project A"
Set the Permissions to Public or Private.
Public repositories and everything within them are discoverable by other Dronelink users. Public repositories are a great way to share mission plans with other users.
Private repositories are only visible to you and users within your account.
Select Create
Step 3 - Create a New Plan in Your New Repository
Once created, you will land within the repository.
Selecting Create from within a Repository will automatically set the repository in the Create Menu
Create a New Plan in the New Repository. The Repository Page will display your new plan.
Step 4 - Navigating your Repositories
On your account page, select the Repositories filter to show all the Repositories within your account.
Or use the search bar to find the specific Repository you are looking for: