Other Mission Components
Learn about other mission components: Orbit, Photo, Pano, Facade and More
Basic Orbits - Orbit Mission Component Intro
The Orbit Mission Component flies a circle around a point of interest (POI) at a set altitude, hei...
Advanced Orbits - Spirals, Multiple and Partial Rotations
Advanced Orbits can be used to create spirals and partial orbits (arcs) that start and stop at dif...
Photo Mission Component
The Photo mission component takes a single photo at a specified altitude and heading with the dron...
Pano Mission Component
The Pano mission component automatically captures a series of photos at a location to be used with...
Hover Mission Component
The Hover Mission Component stops the drone at a location and hovers for a set period of time, def...
Basic Facades (Vertical Mapping) - Facade Mission Component
The Facade Mission Component is for vertical mapping. Use Facades for inspections and reality mode...
Facade Mission Parameters
Quickly view important facade mission parameters, including the number of columns or rows, spacing...
Advanced Facades (Vertical Mapping) - Circle, Spiral, Polygon Boundary Faces
Learn about Advanced Facade features available in the Growth plan. Define additional structures fo...
Facade Mission Component - Expert Settings
Expert Facade Settings can be used to fine tune the vertical mapping parameters to achieve better ...
Inspection Mission Component - Create an Inspection Mission using Converter
Learn how to convert any mission into an inspection mission. This is the primary way of using the ...
Intro to Restriction Zones to Create No-Fly Zones Around Obstacles
Restriction zones are no-fly zones that can be created during mission planning to define an obstac...