Learn about Advanced Facade features available in the Growth plan.
Define additional structures for vertical mapping, such as tower structures with the circle or spiral boundary type, and polygons for buildings or other tower types.
Circle boundaries can be configured to fly multiple orbits, or vertical columns.
It is recommended to use Restriction Zones for Facade mission planning.
The Circle Facade Boundary face setting requires using boundary points to set the center of the structure and outer radius of the structure. The drone will fly at a set target distance from the outer structure radius.
Circle Facade with Vertical Pattern
Hover over the boundary to view the distance from center.
Circle Facade with Horizontal Pattern.
Warning: Keep line of sight of the drone at all times to ensure constant connectivity.
Circle Facade with 2 Boundary Radiuses for Tapered Orbits
Add another boundary point if you want to have a tapered mission. This setting is only available for the horizontal pattern (orbits).
The Spiral Facade Boundary face setting is the same as Circle. Set the center and outer radius.
You can optionally taper the spiral by adding another boundary point.
Use the polygon boundary face to map other tall tower type structures or buildings.
Distance Based Spacing
Switch from camera overlap spacing to distance spacing to set specific vertical and horizontal distances between photos.