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What drone / mobile device are you using?
You don't need to use the mission planner in the DL Native app. Just use a Browser like Firefox with the DL Web app to make changes, edit or create any plan. The mission planner within the app is a nice feature but not necessary.
Yes Jim , i use Mini 3 pro and device Samsung note 9
And RC-N1
I think that is a fairly old device which looks like it was released in 2018. Even if it does work you may experience other problems then the app crashes which have been very well documented. If you check this link it explains what is required and how to test it. You may want to try the test first to see how it works or upgrade to a more modern device. It takes a powerful processor to run DL as it explains.
Ok, thank Mike.
I also encountered the same problem. Much more frequent crashes and when I reload the mission takes a long time. R1-C1 Oppo Reno 10 pro.
The smartphone is not responsible for anything. I also use an Oppo Reno 8, with dronelink air2 s r1-c1 no problem. With dronelink dji mini 3 pro oppo reno 10 in way point ok but mapping is not possible to complete, well it performs 60% after repeated crashes.
Ciao Roberto, piacere di parlare con te. Almeno dobbiamo capirci nella nostra lingua. Niente praticamente prima dell'aggiornamento ho fatto una missione ed è andata bene. Ora con la 4.8 niente. Continua a crasciare. Anch'io penso che non sia un problema di smartphone (nota 9 Galaxy) anche perchè facendo la prova con i coriandoli vedo che va bene. Mi sa che compro anch' io un dji air 2s...
Lino Palumbo, if you want something in the lightweight category that works well with Dronelink on Android devices, you can't beat the Mini2
Lino ciao, hai perfettamente ragione lo smartphone non è il fulcro del problema anzi tecnicamente con sistema obsoleto dovrebbe funzionare meglio, difatti non è in beta sul radiocomando pro della dji che lavora con un sistema android piuttosto datato. Finchè non rilasciano la versione stabile inutile perderci tempo, questo per il mapping, in way point tutto sommato lavora bene anche in beta. L'air 2 S ivece con dronelinK è veramente perfetto non mi ha mai dato problemi io ho sottoscritto la versione starter perchè mi consente di seguire il terreno e la risoluzione è uniforme. Avrei voluto passare all'air 3 ma senza sdk per me è inutile. Ci lavoro non uso i droni per fare video.
Grazie Martin per il consiglio, ma ho già il Mini 3Pro in quella categoria. Stavo pensando di acquistare un Mavic 2S anche se è un po' vecchiotto. Andrebbe bene? Cosa consiglieresti del nuovo?
Lino Il mini 3 pro l'ho preso nell'eventualità di dover fare qualche rilievo edifici che ovviamente non faccio con dronelink ma volo libero, troppi ostacoli rendono impossibile il volo programmato si rischia solo di fare danni. Certo ci vuole pazienza e tempo ma presferisco così. Unica cosa l'air 2 S scatta foto a 20 mp per cui se devi trasferirle su un software per fotogrammetria considera che ti occorre un buon processore (almeno 3.60 ghz 4 core) ram in abbodanza (32 giga) ed una buona scheda video (nvidia gtx minimo minimo). Ciao.
Si Roberto. Anch'io sto facendo varie consulenze con potenziali clienti. Son ad un buon punto solo che devo essere sicuro che tutto funzioni altrimenti rischiamo di fare figure con questi crash...Ad ogni modo se non inseriscono gli SDK sui nuovi modelli non capisco a che serva che DL va avanti con le ricerche di miglioramento mentre altri snobbano. Io sono pugliese, Tu?
Molise, siamo confinanti.
Prendi air 2S e vai tranquillo, altrimenti anche un air 2 se lo trovi, va bene lo stesso. Io faccio rilievi del terreno per cui non mi serve un mega drone, volo a circa 35 metri per cui la risoluzione si avvicina intorno 1 cm/px.
Hai ragione. Con il Mini 3 Pro mi trovo a meraviglia perché è fatto veramente bene e mi sta dando parecchie soddisfazioni; Ho fatto stamattina un rilievo ad un fontana e ho già renderizzato in 3D con WebODM. Risultato ottimo. Adesso sono in attesa DL si stabilizzi con la 4.8 . Ho in cassetto già due facciate da sistemare... Se mi danno l'ok vado subito ad acquistare il Mavic. Nel caso sentiamoci. E' stato un piacere conoscerti. Ciao
Lino Palumbo, I'm not sure what the regulations are like in Italy as to where you can fly drones such as the air 2s, here in the UK we are fairly restricted which is why I stay under the 250 gram weight and stick to my Mini2, as I've not found anything it can't can't do that I ask of it
Do you mean the loading indicator that appears when you open a mission plan?
Hey Lino, last summer I was in Italy...different regions...I had the mavic 3 with me because he can fly in open a1 however above a lot of places even that isn't allowed ....at the end I had to use my specific license and that took me almost a week an then I had to go to the district office to sign
a document so I could fly the day after. The mavic 3 wil not get sdk release because the mavic 3 enterprice (the same camera only this one have a mechanical shutter) will not get sold then. I have put my phantom 4 pro v2 with smartcontroller and so one up for sale ...so I will get the m3 enterprice. Btw...the m3 enterprice will get the c2 label...meaning you need to have minimum a2 open categorie license if you want to fly in urban city's
Yes Georges, in Italy there are many restrictions due to the geographical conformation of the nation. Max altitude 120 meters as well as having insurance, certificates etc. I have already obtained the A2 pilot's license and with that you can carry the heavier weight categories of drones but always in sight unless you take ST1-ST2. However Enterprice is a beautiful drone. Well done! By the way, if you no longer need the Phantom, would you give me a gift?😁😍
Like said it is up for sale😁.
Tbh the phantom 4 pro v2 is a verry good mapping drone I have done some big projects with that one . But we have to go with the flow ... dji is limiting some good drones with not releasing the sdk. It is a strategic move...in the end they want to sell as much as possible...can we blame them...they are stil #1 in consumers drones...I am sure if other brands finally will release good affordable drones dji will start releasing the so much wanted sdk files
Surely. DJI wants to sell like never before... It's true that the mini 4 Pro first set the limitation at 120 meters then changed it to 500... You'll see that after Christmas they'll lower it again to 120😁. Anyway, if you were in Italy I'd think about it and we'd make an agreement for your Phantom.. Take care George👍😊
Even though this will more then likely have no impact on the app crashes you should always update to the most recent Beta version to test. The whole purpose of the testing is to give feedback so DL can correct any issues. I’d suggest checking and updating to the latest version available. The most current version should be 4.8.1 (272 or 273). Otherwise if people don’t test the newest versions and give feedback then DL has no way of knowing if there are any other issues which may arise which they need to fix. Once again, nothing to do with the app crashes but it still should kept up to date.
Do you mean the loading indicator that appears when you open a mission plan?
When I reload the mission after the crash it hardly runs. So we have to start everything from the beginning.
The version was more stable 4.7
Feedback like this isn’t really helpful. We need specific steps to reproduce specific issues. If we are just talking about the generic crashing, that has already been documented and discussed at length here: https://support.dronelink.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/16409496589331/comments/20019915555219
What would you recommend Jim? What should we do? we have subscribed to DL, we are happy with the technology and therefore we will trust you but we cannot be happy if an app continually crashes with certain drones. Today I was forced to purchase an additional drone (Mavic 2) among other things a drone from a few years ago with a further outlay of money which I will only need for work with DL...I understand the sales policy but I don't understand why DL you continue to show that the errors are due to us, telephones, reception etc when this is not the case... I personally am happy to have chosen DL and I believe in their work but a little more humility in admitting certain problems would be admirable ...
Lino Palumbo, the version of Dronelink for the mini3 is still in beta, and is bound to have problems, have you read this
and also this
especially this bit from the second link
Please check the system requirements to make sure your mobile device and drone is compatible with your preferred platform. NOT ALL DRONES WORK WITH ALL PLATFORMS.
The version of Dronelink for drones pre the mini3 works fine
Please don't confuse the comments and help from the "Dronelink Experts" in this thread (who are well meaning) with the comments from us (Dronelink Staff). If you look at staff remarks on this thread, we have not blamed you but instead just asked for clarification, and in the face of ambiguous feedback, referenced the other thread that is dedicated to complaining about the beta crashing / instability. If you read that entire thread you will see that we are painfully aware of the situation and doing everything we can do resolve the issue, but in the end it is a team effort between us and DJI and it may take more time yet to find a true resolution. In the meantime, as Martin pointed out, we never recommend that users subscribe / pay for Dronelink if they are just wanting to get access to the beta.
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