Continuous Video Capture Through Multiple Components
In Dronelink, video capture stops at the end of each component. I would like to continue video capture seamlessly through multiple programmed components. For instance I'd like to start video recording at the beginning of a 'destination', and then continue through an 'approach' and then an 'orbit' without stopping or restarting video capture. Seems like there has to be a way. Can anyone help?
Embed the components in a list, then click this on the list:
I have a list of video components:
But my list does not have the ADD AUTOMATIC CAPTURE as an option.
It seems that there is some hidden Camera Stop Capture at the end of a Marker. What am I missing?
Here is my mission:
This plan only has one component, and I don't see any lists added to it.
As you have only one 'component' there's no need to create a 'list'. Click on the 'centerpoint' of your 'path' component and 'add automatic capture' will be near the bottom of the options box that pops up.
My apologizes, I fiddled with this and removed the list. But after I removed the list (see above) what happened is something is "remembered" in this plan (Phone,JPG,Interval,3-seconds). Its like putting the LIST in the plan sets this plans Photo mode, and upon removal of the LIST some kind of residual memory exists. Can someone explain why this plan has this behavior?
You added automatic capture to the approach component, and the path itself, which are conflicting with each other. Remove the one from the approach component.
I went to fly this, just now. The drone took the Interval pictures and got to about WayPoint B, 2min 6seconds. (The simulator said WayPoint B is 2:36). At about there, something flashed on the screen about an altitude issue and the drone stopped in mid flight (and the mission was aborted). I pressed RTH on the controller and the drone came back directly and landed without a problem. So how to I understand the problem that happened? Can I find the log of the mission?
edit: Digging more, on the web I found the flight has not finished, Engagement 1 of this Plan shows the following message: Max Altitude Reached: Increase the max altitude setting to continue. Looking at other posts, it seems like users need to be reminded that if you are flying with the DJI-Fly app, just prior to using DroneLink there are settings put in the Drone firmware, that DroneLink does take a look at and check against the DroneLink plan that one is about ready to embark on. So in theory what happened is that there was an altitude restriction that DJI-Fly app had loaded into the Drone and in mid flight DroneLink tried to increase the altitude and the drone's internal flight software denied DroneLinks command. I will try this tomorrow by Checking the drones restrictions using the DJI-Fly app and making sure DroneLink is not going to get snagged by those firmware restrictions.
"You added automatic capture to the approach component, and the path itself, which are conflicting with each other. Remove the one from the approach component."
I've added automatic capture to both the 'approach' and 'path' with no issues.
The issue is the unexpected discontinuity in photos (or videos had you selected video capture type):
If you want a gap, then I guess you can do it this way, but that was not the original intent of the feature.
I have mightily resisted posting on this same, precise or very similar issue, but one can only get so far with a room temperature IQ. The challenge: Auto Capture video from the beginning of a multiple component mission and have video captured continuously and uninterrupted throughout the mission until "Mission Accomplished" is achieved. I have reviewed Jim's counsel above as well as the original contributor's work. I have futzed with the software to the point of complexity (the Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder says it's just not that difficult), resulting in multiple videos being captured at the start of each component and ending after each such is completed. I suppose I could live with that and stitch all together post production, but that seems grossly inefficient. I have since modified the Plan in accordance with Jim's advice to add "Auto Capture" to the "List," the following link to the modified Plan does that. HOWEVER, when running the preview, it shows the video starts, runs two seconds, then stops. I understand that I can manually start the video, but I suspect that the software is designed to handle that feature autonomously. Please advise when able. Thank You.
You need to remove these:
Thank you. We'll give it a whirl.
Shared correct plan so others won't be confused by my previous blunder:
Carried out mission flawlessly with video captured throughout. For Mavic Mini owners, I want to add that it is important to first set your video parameters, e.g. 2.7k and desired frame rate, in the DJI Fly app before flying the Dronelink Mission Plan as Dronelink picks up whatever you had preset and captures video accordingly.
Can't thank you enough, Jim, for your expeditious and precise direction setting me straight and back on course.
I’m having difficulty following this…. I don’t see where continuous is set in the example mission
My own mission is hopefully available below. I would like to start video rolling in the list. I don’t see that option is available. Suggestions?
Mike Bahr
Normally video or photos are set in the various components. If, for example, you had two paths the drone would normally start capture at the beginning of the path and stop at the end, then move to the 2nd path, then do the same.
If you don't want that - you can turn off the capture in the components and then just start the video capture using a stand-alone command before the paths begin. That just keeps running until you tell it to stop.
or as Jim McAndrew said right at the start:
I saw that Martin Reading The ADD Automatic Capture option isn't available.
1) Does it become available when there waypoint, map, orbit, or facade missions are added?
My list was intended to be a reusable block that can be used anytime I want to set up the video parameters. I didn't want to include the other mission components.
2) If the response to 1) is Yes, than may I create a list within a list?
Aha. I just tried it and it appears to work.
1) is Yes
2) is Yes
Sorry about all of the messages!
Should the camera actions be shown as a full-length bar in the preview?
(This also highlights how useful the DL toolset is)
No the camera actions would just be at the start like that, as they are what start the camera, and them one at the end to stop capture
in that case you could create a simple list with the following camera commands and save it as a component in a repository (I have one called my components)
Put this at the start of the mission, then all the relevant mission components that you want (ensuring aut capture is turned off in all of them, then at the end of the mission insert a stop capture command
As always there can be many ways to set up a plan and it’s the pilots choice on how to utilize the app. Just remember when using the auto capture it will just start the camera whether photos or video. Don’t forget to check and set all the camera settings for IOS, Shutter, file format, white balance etc. prior to flight. I find it easier to let DL do it all the work and add a camera component list with common camera settings which I can use on any plan. This way I know it will be correct and not need to cancel the mission and edit it then restart due to improper settings. Good luck..
I've been reading this series of questions and answers. I can't get the continuous video to run from say waypoint component to orbit component. I have created a list to use similar to the one mentioned above. I start with the list then the components and it always ends up with the video stopping between the waypoints and the orbit.
Has the dronelink interface changed since these earlier posts? I have been watching Youtube to see if that can help, the tools seem to have changed at some stage.
Any step by step help for a beginner would be gratefully received.
Nick Hill, follow the steps that i described in my previous post:
The components need to be inside the list if the list is the component with automatic capture enabled.
Hi Martin and Jim, thanks for your help, alas I'm still missing something, I have tried your methods and still get the same start stop in each component. I didn't touch the Add Automatic Capture in the waypoint section, I couldn't find that option in the orbit section. I added a Stop Camera at the end. A screen shot and link attached if you could please enlighten me.
Just a PS to my post above, I tried Martin's method with a list and other components after the list and a stop camera and then the one that the link includes is Jim's method of a list with the components within the list and a stop camera at the end.
Nick Hill< the one you linked doesn't have a stop capture at the end, in fact it just is the list with the camera commands and no components
Here's a copy of the list of the camera settings, followed by a list containing the components components and auto capture applied to the list only (auto capture was removed from both components)
screenshot showing single capture from launch of drone
Here is an example using my method:
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