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Latest activity by revitup77
"You added automatic capture to the approach component, and the path itself, which are conflicting with each other. Remove the one from the approach component." I've added automatic capture to both...
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As you have only one 'component' there's no need to create a 'list'. Click on the 'centerpoint' of your 'path' component and 'add automatic capture' will be near the bottom of the options box that ...
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I can live with the component restrictions. Thought understanding the details might help me tailor missions in the future with the restrictions in mind. Just a curiousity question basically.
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Can you explain how wind affects a mission plotted using waypoints differently from a mission plotted with destinations? Seems like wind is wind and speed is speed. How does the drone fighting wind...
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Thank you. That sounds like a plausible explanation. Still, I did not experience the same 'drone off course' issue when repeating the flight shortly after with 'destinations' rather than 'waypoints...
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"Drone Too Far Off Course" Using Waypoints But Not With Destination
On a mission plotted using waypoints I've flown the same straight line course out and back multiple times. On the flight back the mission always stops with the message indicating drone too far off ...
- revitup77
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Continuous Video Capture Through Multiple Components
In Dronelink, video capture stops at the end of each component. I would like to continue video capture seamlessly through multiple programmed components. For instance I'd like to start video record...
- revitup77
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