Adjusting on the fly mission on computer

Bob Scheffler

I created an On-the-fly mission and then doctored it on my computer by adding 2 spirals.  When I click on mission preview it starts to load the mission and then stops with a paragraph at bottom that starts with Drone off course.  The on-the-fly mission is called Multi6 and it worked by itself but when I mixed it with mission Orbit test it will not work.




  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Can you share it so we can see what;s going on

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I thought all my plans were shared but I am sending a link. .  I just came across another issue.  I tried to fly just a half hour ago and I received a message "Weak Battery" and I was not allowed to take off.  The battery was at 89%.  I changed the battery and it was at 90% and no message and take off was allowed.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Bob on both the waypoints and first orbit you've got a negative value in the start point


  • Comment author
    Ken Kroeker

    I had a battery error message with fully charged batteries when I tried to set the RTH battery percentage to 15% on my mavic mini. Different message from yours though.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Martin That -7 is because I launch from my 10 foot high deck, so when I go down to the ground it goes into negative numbers.  Almost the whole flight in the yard is negative numbers.

    Ken, how do you change the RTH percentage in the Mini, I was advised it could not be done.

  • Comment author
    Ken Kroeker

    My mistake - looking back at the mission it was the low battery warning I attempted to change to 15% thinking that it would influence RTH.  I had it set to required.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    As Martin said not sure if you can put a negative altitude and get it too actually fly. Also the speed of only 1 mph during the entire mission may be an issue. It may not be able to keep up on the path where it should be at that low of a speed especially when trying to ascend and descend. I changed to 3 mph and mission preview ran with the negative altitudes. Whether it actually flys in the real world is unknown. If you have AGL available maybe use that instead. Also the remember the accuracy can be off by as much as a few feet to 15’ or more so be careful. I’ve flown at very low AGL set to 12’ and it flew at actual 6’ to 7’.  

    As far as battery error, you know what they say when errors occur with any electronic device. Unplug it and plug it back in. In other words, shut down and restart everything. Seems like that what happened when you switched batteries. 

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Hi Bob, yeah it's not that, I'll have a better look when I'm home later with my laptop, I'm digging around in your back yard repo, can you just confirm the names of the 2 missions that were combined to make the failing mission

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Negative values are allowed. The issue is when you start to demand high accuracy from these consumer drones (both slow motion and short distances) - they just weren't designed for it.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Jim it's a message that actually pops up if you try to preview the mission

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I understand. There are multiple things going on here:

    1) We clearly need to add additional input validation (both in the web, and in the field) to disallow things like this:

    2) Even once we add the validation, when you choose values near the lower limits, you can't expect great performance out of hardware that has +/- 4m accuracy.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    What is the minimum radius allowed Jim

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    We haven’t decided yet but certainly greater than zero. Feel free to do some tests and suggest something that still results in a good user experience.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Well this mission the spirals start at 20 feet radius, I'll find the video and post it when I'm back at my pc

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I was experimenting with the On-The-Fly feature and combining some intricate waypoint and orbit missions.  I flew the drone about 3 feet off the ground, around my house and around obstacles. I tried to create a very small orbit around a pole, it was probably only had a 3' diameter.  That must have been the "Orbit 2" with the Radius of 0.  I only had the drone going 1 mph so that I could easily follow it and stop it if it ran into something.  So I deleted the orbit and raised the speed to 3 mph and I was able to preview the mission.  I just can't fly yet because very windy here.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    How do I put a hover or wait period to a waypoint?

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Bob, Select the waypoint component, then open it up till you can see the list of waypoints, select the waypoint you want to add the Hover to, and select hover, this will split the waypoints component in 2 at that point


  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Still can't figure it out.  I start out with 12 waypoints, start with the fist one, right click it choose hover and move on to the next waypoint and pick hover and so on and then I end up with a whole lot of hovers bunched together and waypoints grouped together by 5 and 3 and 2 and they can't be separated so that I can move the hover up in line behind one waypoint.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Bob, take a  read of this

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Already read that article. I don't know why but my way points clump up and can't be assigned a hover to each waypoint

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Ok I'll try to explain starting with a mission in this screenshot

    We'll put a hover in at WP B, so we'll click on the right facing arrow next top the waypoints component

    This will open up the following menu, so click on the right facing arrow that's by the waypoints label.

    which will bring up the following list of the waypoints

    Click on WP B Label which will bring up the WP B settings menu to the right of the list,

    Click on hover, you'll get a warning about splitting the waypoints component in 2, click continue

    Then you'll end up with a mission that looks like this

    If you then want a hover at the next waypoint round, then click on the waypoints component that's after the hover and repeat the above

    The final mission is here





  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    That's exactly what I did. There must be something I am doing wrong towards the end.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Hi Bob, I've sorted it for you, you actually weren't far off, what was throwing you was the double hover you'd got at the end of the first set of waypoints, and to achieve what you're looking for (a hover at the start of each set of waypoints/hover on each waypoint), you're going to end up with:

    1. Hover
    2. Waypoints component with 2 waypoints (A&B)
    3. Hover
    4. Waypoints component with 2 waypoints (A&B)

    So to achieve this you need to perform the actions to apply the hover command to waypoint B of each of the Waypoints components, so with your mission you end up with this:

    The thing you need to remember is the next waypoint is actually the last waypoint of its preceding waypoints component.

    I've also created a version of it, that produces a single video rather lots of short videos

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Probably better to use Checkpoints for this use case.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Martin thanks, it's obvious I still have a lot to learn.  I never knew how to make a continuous video and I still don't know how you got the lines straight or what "List" does.  Mostly what I am doing this for is just to learn, that flight pattern means nothing except I was trying to see how far off the GPS system.  That was the point of the hover so I had time to see how far off of a marked spot the drone is.

    Jim I'll try checkpoints also.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    No problem Bob, the lines turned straight due to being just 2 Waypoints, that's one way of making a continuous video, there are several other ways you can do it, List is basically a set of components or commands all grouped together that you can save in your components repository or I have that one on the clipboard, it contains 3 commands, Camera Stop Capture, Camera Mode - Video, Camera Start Capture, so if you put that list right at the start of the mission and a Camera Stop Capture right at the end and make sure nothing has auto capture turned on, it will shoot video from the moment you start the mission, through to mission end

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Thanks.  Ever heard of Ferndown Dorsett?

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Ever heard of Ferndown Dorsett?

    That rang some bells, as used to spend a fair bit of time down round the Swanage area when i was kid, still had to Google it though.

    Minimum orbit Radius

    We haven’t decided yet but certainly greater than zero. Feel free to do some tests and suggest something that still results in a good user experience.

    Jim McAndrew, I've been doing a bit of work on this, and started to put together a short video on what I've come up with as a suggestion and it certainly isn't 3.3 feet...............

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Martin I have a cousin that moved there when she was 18 and has lived there all her life.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    A very nice part of the country to live


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