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It is a known problem. The p4p uses a control system that does not get along with drone link. I'm sorry. If you search in the forum I find other discussions with the same problem where the creators...
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@Micheal Brack Use the DJI Pilots app, it works better than Drone Link. I had the same problems with P4P.
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Dronelink works very well. Pix4d works very well. Study, maybe you can figure out how they work.
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85/80 is normal as overlap can be good. important is shutter speed on manual, at 300 feet you can fly at 10m/s with shutter 1/1000. you can fly at 5m/s with shutter 1/500 depends on the light.
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unlock NFZ from DJI app.Close DJI open DL.
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Filippo Basso (Prakash) Usa DJI Pilot con P4 purtroppo funziona male con DL, non segue la rotta e le foto non sono precise. è un problema in quanto il P4 usa un sistema diverso di radiocomando risp...
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James you have to fly with the sun high, at lunchtime. with overcast sky is better, otherwise without clouds to have all the photos the same. to have no noise the ISO must be as low as possible. IS...
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@James ISO always 100. Shutter speed must be manual and must not change during flight. 1/500 can be fine but it depends on height and speed. I have 50m flying at 18kmh (5m/s) at 100m flying at 36k...
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Alberto Iengo Vorrei sapere se esiste la versione in italiano dell'app per smartphone e per tablet? SI è tradotto nella prima schermata in alto a sinistra c'è opzioni lingua. se il punto di d...
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James turn on drone; fly at the altitude you have decided to fly; look down with camera; select camera PRO mode; sets shutter speed from 1/500 to 1/2000 based on light and cruising speed; touch a p...
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