Vertical Climb

Duncan Lovett


I wish to create a flight plan that will allow the drone to fly to a location and altitude. Once there I want it to ascend to a predefined higher altitude at a certain speed while it yaws for a certain number of degrees at a predefined yaw rate. 

This is something I can do easily in a horizontal flight path but not something I can figure out how to do in a vertical path.

Can anybody kindly offer any ideas or suggestions on how I would be able to achieve this.

Many thanks in advance




  • Comment author
    George K

    Check tutorials. One on destination components. PT2EP7. You can change flight altitude smoothly from one waypoint to the next. Seems like you should be able to yaw at the same time.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Possibly use a rotate component

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    I’ve done something similar. Only way I can think of is a rising corkscrew orbit. Set diameter very small to about 10 feet. Add final altitude, gimbal pitch and drone heading at 90° to path. It works well and very easy to create. Maybe try that.

  • Comment author
    Ray Kao
    • Edited

    Duncan Lovett

    It is very easy to do with Dronelink and only the path component is needed.

    Here is just a sample:

    Just run the simulation and you will find the effect.

    Have fun.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    Thanks for the suggestions so far but no are quite right.

    George K, there is no way of adding markers between waypoints that are at the same location, but different altitude that I can see.

    Martin, rotated might work but the climb is still the issue.

    Mike, I had tried an orbit and it almost works,  , but I really need this to be a vertical climb directly over a point, basically like a DJI rocket selfie. You can see a test with the orbit set to a 1m start and finish and it's almost but not quite. The object this is over has markings on the top that would not work with the "wobble".

    Ray, that climb works but it also has horizonal movement on it and I need this to vertical climb directly over a point with no horizontal movement. I can fly this manually with just climb and yaw, but I need them to be constant and I need to be able to recreate it multiple times.

  • Comment author
    Roger Harris
    • Edited

    You can't create a marker at the same point as another, but you can create it off to one side and then drag it directly on top of another. (This may result in renumbering the markers, but just be careful that the one with the lowest number is also the one with the lowest altitude.) This works to get your vertical path, but I haven't yet found a way to get it to rotate while it's ascending.

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Duncan Lovett Roger Harris

    Here's a quick video showing how to do it - let me know if you have any questions.


  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    What if as someone suggested earlier you created a small radius corkscrew component starting at say 100 foot altitude and rising to 180 foot and the drone heading set at 270° to the path with clockwise rotation

  • Comment author
    Ray Kao
    • Edited

    Duncan Lovett

    Yes, it is.

    You can move the markers closer.

    With Dronelink, this is the easiest and best way to do the vertical path.

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Martin Reading

    Yes, that would work too...except Duncan Lovett said he had already tried that and it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

    One of the things about something as powerful as DL - there are always multiple ways to create what you need, so you just pick the one that works best for you.  

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Exactly. So many ways to utilize DL. The pilots needs to figure out what works best for their situation and gets the effect they want. Enjoy…

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    Thanks all especially Barry for making that quick video. Using the suggestions, it now seems to work, ideally I'd like to have the exact spot of the climb set by coordinates, but I cannot see a way of assigning them to a marker. What I have done is to set a coordinate waypoint and try to drag the two markers on top of it as best as I can.

    The only other issue is with the markers, the max rotation seems to be 360d, ideally I'd like to performer possibly 3-4 compete 360 rotations, I'm not sure yet how many I need to do, but the altitude gain will be 32-122m so ideally 1 rotation for each 30m of ascent.

    Here is the latest test script, I'm just going to fly it and will put up a video to compare this, with a 1m spiral.

  • Comment author
    Roger Harris

    Barry, yes, but I was trying to get it to do a full turn by putting another marker halfway up that did a half turn and then back to north at the top, but I couldn't get that to work.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    Well it seems to work better than the 1m orbit as there was no wobble. Just need to find a way to allow more than a 360d rotation. Flight video to follow shortly via a YT link.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    @Duncan Lovett

    but I cannot see a way of assigning them to a marker. What I have done is to set a coordinate waypoint and try to drag the two markers on top of it as best as I can.

    Copy and paste the coordinates from waypoint alpha to waypoint bravo

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    I also thought that would work and lines the two waypoints and markers precision on top of each other, however when waypoints are the same, the markers seem to be ignored.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Unfortunately there is no way to stop and climb completely vertical and rotate and number of degrees or rotations. I don’t have any issues with wobble at 10’ diameter Orbit and you can rotate forever. Pick your poison. Lol…… 🤪  Curious What drone and device you are you using ?

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    The rotating climb is 14-37 seconds roughly centred on the table I am sitting at.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    Mike, I quite understand, It's in an urban area so we are using a mini 2. The structure in question has geodesic lines on it's upper surface so the wobble tends to be quite noticeable. I was just seeking perfection!!!!

  • Comment author
    Roger Harris

    This might be something that's better done manually. If you push the stick up and a little to the side and hold that position, it should climb and turn smoothly. With a little practice to determine how far to move the stick to get the climb and turn rates you want, I think you could get pretty close to perfection.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    Yes I have flown the mission manually a few times and it's ok, but has a little wind drift due to the turbulent air coming of the structure directly below. It really needs gps steering to keep it centred exactly over the target to compensate for it. I will have to see if I can somehow export the flown mission from airdata back into dronelink and then I'd be able to fly it exactly the same each time assuming I can get the perfect mission recorded!!!


  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    If you really want to fly it manually then another way to do this would be to change the yaw rate in the app.  You can slow this down so much that even at full stick it takes about 12 seconds to complete a full rotation - then you could climb and just go full left/right yaw.

    I'm not sure of the app / drone you are using but under DJI Go 4 this is called the Yaw Movement Limit.


  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I see why you are having problems. My understanding was rotating drone to do a 360° or 720° Etc., while ascending straight up with gimbal at 0° or maybe -25, -35 pitch. It’s too difficult for it to rotate that tight of an Orbit with gimbal pitch at -90° and have it stable. Orbits aren’t really meant to do rotations on a POI directly above. 

    As Barry said, probably be better to use DJI app and just set gimbal to -90 then ascend straight up in tripod or normal speed mode depending on your desired ascend speed while rotating drone. The settings in the Advanced Gimbal section in DJI Fly app can be tailored to your needs for rotation speed. Good luck. 

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Duncan. Did you watch the video I posted? I really think that will do what you need.

  • Comment author
    Greg Shonting

    Adding my name to the list. I would love to have a vertical path component. Either as a separate item or as part of the existing path. The workaround posted above kinda works but the biggest drawback is the UI. Once I stack a few waypoints and markers, it is impossible to sort through them and see where they are in space. 

    I would also like to see altitude as part of the waypoints. Trying to align a marker and only being able to get it close to a waypoint is cumbersome. I would prefer to have altitude be tied to the waypoint, with the option of adding a marker if needed. 

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I would prefer to have altitude be tied to the waypoint, with the option of adding a marker if needed. 

    This is already available in the beta.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett

    That's awesome news I'll check it out thanks Jim/

  • Comment author
    Duncan Lovett
    yes, I did thanks. The only issue with doing that is it reduces the yaw rate for the rest of the mission and I need it to pan while flying to the climb point now.
    Barry Houldsworth
    • Edited 

    Duncan. Did you watch the video I posted? I really think that will do what you need.


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