velocidad en vuelo

Wilson Pajuelo Menacho

por que no puedo regular la velocidad en vuelo al realizar fotogrametria? estoy en premiun (se debe a eso??) siempre me programa una velocidad de 17 a 20 km/h el cual el demasiado rapido para mi mini3 y he visto que se pasa a veces al momento de dar vueltas o al momento de tomar fotos.. y tambien se desvia del rumbo




  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    The max speed can be set in the mission as always. Just click on the component and slow it down.

  • Comment author
    Wilson Pajuelo Menacho

    esa velocidad es solo para asecenso y desplazamiento hacia el punto de inicio, de ahí se manda solo con otra velocidad

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Exactly as Mike says just slow it down in the component

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Yeah. If it’s a mapping component and you want to be able to set the capture speed as Martin indicated then you will need a professional plan. Hobbyist plans do not have that ability. You should be able to run a mapping plan without that feature and still get amazing photos for a 2D or 3D ortho. Just need to set the speed and altitude correctly. If you share your plan I’m sure someone here can help to set it up to work without any issues. 

  • Comment author
    Wilson Pajuelo Menacho

  • Comment author
    Wilson Pajuelo Menacho

    esa opcion no lo tengo disponible, si no hace rato.. ni que fuere tan despistado de nodarme cuenta de no bajar la velocidad... 

    estonces la respuesta es porque soy de plan premiun?? debo cambiar de plan?

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Wilson Pajuelo Menacho. Yes. If you want to utilizes the capture speed as shown above you will need a Growth or Enterprise professional plan as indicated in the pricing structure under expert mapping. If you are using DL for other than recreational purposes then you need a professional plan anyway. Most Hobbyist don’t need this feature and if set up properly the images won’t be blurred/ out of focus. If you want to share the plan you can follow the links instructions and maybe someone can help you to make it work without the capture speed. The screenshot you posted is out of focus anyway and won’t help. Good luck and Enjoy.

  • Comment author
    Marcelo Briones Uberuaga

    Hola, yo tengo el mismo problema. No puedo disminuir la velocidad de vuelo. (speed max.)


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