J R Hoffman
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Latest activity by J R Hoffman
No. Moving sticks diagonally down to spin up props also generates the takeoff error.
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I believe there is a 4GB max file size limit. My Air 2S creates multiple files of ~$GB in size that I need to merge in editing. Same limit applies to my digital DSLR in movie mode.
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Thank you.
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Follow-on question. Is there a list of all the available waypoint options, such as "turn the bottom light on/off".
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iOS Feature Questions
Hello. I have a few questions as I start to learn Dronelink and iOS app. 1. I see the radar display in screenshots, but it appears that Dronelink iOS app doesn't show the radar feature. Am i missin...
- J R Hoffman
- 0 votes
Thank you. It wasn't sinking in about the second right-click at the destination location.
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"It is just a point that the interface uses to show where the plan is on a map (when in a list) and also to render a line from to the first position in the plan." Does this mean that if I do not pl...
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Thank you for the prompt response. I apologize for having to come back a second time, but I have an additional question/clarification. You wrote "do this by dragging it, but I assume you are wantin...
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Hello. If I drag on the purple plan icon I can move a plan. If I open the Approach component and drag the plan I see the coordinates change. If I try and move the plan by typing in a new coordinate...
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