Gimbal speed for reveal shot
I only care from path action 3 through 7. I want to start with gimbal at -90 looking down at water edge of sandbar for about 50 yards. At path action 4 I want the gimbal to "slowly" raise to POI 1 and hold that until path action 7. When I arrive at path action 4 the gimbal slams up quickly. How can I make the gimbal slow and smooth and gracefully? Is this what gimbal roll is?
I think I shared this correct.
You need to make the mission public
Here - Settings/share?
Ok, got it... it was copied to a public repository
This is the correct plan Martin Reading
Does it do this when actually flying the mission or just when running the mission preview. As we discussed before about the DJI app settings for rotation rate and gimbal, the mission preview doesn’t know which drone or what you have your settings at. If gimbal is snapping up quickly when actually running the mission I’d check the advance gimbal settings and set the gimbal speed to about 6 and smoothness to about 16 for normal mode. This is what I have set for my MA2 and the gimbal speed is always slow and smooth. It makes a big difference just like when you changed the rotation rate down in the DJI app. When it comes to the gimbal it’s always different when actually flying the mission compared to the mission previewer. Maybe this will help and hoping your other issues have been corrected. If weather permits, I may run your actual mission here tomorrow and see how it looks with my MA2. Good luck….
Forgot to answer your question about gimbal roll. That’s only for a drone which has the ability to move the gimbal horizontally. I believe the M2P drone can control the gimbal horizontally, to the left or right. As always I could be wrong though. Lol……
Ok John, I've taken a look and tweaked it a bit for you, now the gimble slowly moves down to the -90 as the drone goes into the turn and then comes back up as you'd already got set up
The reason it was snapping down was PA3 had no gimble pitch set, so I set that to 0, if I'd left it at that then the gimble would start pitching down slowly as it left PA3, so as to avoid this I inserted a new PA4 before the turn with 0 gimble pitch so the gimble then slowly goes down to -90 rather than snapping down.
Hope that helps
That works great, but the one I was concerned about was the gimbal popping up as soon as it reached PA6 which had the point of interest. I'm hoping to get the same fluidity rising up slowly like you have it going down.
From my on experience and trials I don't think you can set the gimbal movement to POI to be slow. What I do is watch the preview and note the first gimbal angle when the POI starts. Then I place a PA (Marker) just before the POI and set the gimbal angle to the angle noted when the POI starts. Make sure that it is set for smooth transition. It may take a couple preview run to get the best gimbal angle set before the POI.
I think I will try a series of waypoint leading into the POI
John, let us know how it goes👍
I'm not sure why your last one works. I did the same thing to my private plan and it didn't work, so I am baffled... ...? I'm trying to dissect it now...
I think because you just added a gimbal specification, even though it didn't change anything, it did trigger off a linier interpretation between itself and PA5... which I didn't know was possible seeing that it didn't involve a POI. Now I know and that's great. I now understand something I didn't about interpellation. So it used a definition of 0 to -90.
yep that's it John Kress, it needs to know where, its coming from pitch wise, and if when you insert a path action you don't tell it to do something it wont, the same applies to setting actions on waypoints
This is the answer - linier between 2 waypoints.
oh well, not perfect. Someone else can do it and make it not jerky changes in direction and altitude from waypoint E and F. Every move needs to happen smoothly.
I should just fly this mission backwards. It's easy to make that smooth. As long as you don't catch a seagull flying backwards :)
John Kress, try this out
I put in -4 PA6 still slightly jerky, but I doubt the real thing will be the same. Hi Jim McAndrew . As you can see we're going crazy trying to solve this riddle. There must be a sure fire way to do this starting from waypoint D. Could you please check it out? Thanks
Are you asking if there is a way to interpolate between a wayoint / path action with a gimbal pitch set, and one with a POI? The answer is still no.
Frustrated a bit John. Lol…... Like always there can be many ways to set up a plan to get the pilots desired look. I took the original plan you posted and only added only two Markers. Marker 5 which is just a duplicate of marker 4 at -90° gimbal pitch. This way you can slide this marker up or down on the path where the sandbar is located and it will stay at -90° for just that section. Then added marker 6 right after marker 5 which is setting the gimbal to -7° which is approximately what the pitch will be at POI marker 7. With just those two markers added I believe it looks smooth. As I stated before, the mission previewer does not know what you have the gimbal speed or the smoothness set to in DJI app. Those settings will make a difference when actually flying the mission as you have discovered when slowing down the Yaw speed in the DJI app. So depending on those settings it may look different when tilting up or down or rotating. The rest will be where you place the markers on the path and what the Interpolation is set to. As stated above, I have my gimbal speed set to 6 and smoothness set at 16 and it works great. I have had no fast movements with rotation or gimbal on any actual missions I’ve flown for a long time. Hope this helps.
Have you actively flown the mission or are you just going by the mission previewer ?
Good luck John.
Looks pretty good Mike, very slight pause in horizontal flight at marker 7
I'm way overdoing it. After all it's not an airplane. I'm going to be editing and cherry picking the best parts. I think if I just skip everything except the pan up from -90 rising to 1 POI. That's all I wanted, to be edited in to the video. I'm trying to accomplish way to much, it's over complicated. This is the third time I've used dronelink for a final video. I learned my lesson. I'll switch to a more of storyboarded approach. Thanks everyone, I think we all learned.
🤙🏼 I’m not sure why it was pausing at POI marker. I’ve had this happen before and don’t know what changes it. Anyway, what I did was delete just marker 7 and add it again to POI “A”. Now it continues at 14 mph and transitions smoothly. There are so many settings and functions it can take time to understand what works and how fix issues depending on the plans set up. Enjoy.
John Kress, just be patient, try things out in the field, as Mike said what you see in preview doesn't always reflect 100% what the mission will fly like, as an example, this afternoon I was out flying and had a mission that I'd planned and previewed many times and looked great on the PC, the first time i tried flying it today it lost signal and came home, so I landed and edited it slightly, and sent it off again, that time i wasn't happy with how close it was over some trees, so bought it home, upped the altitude and sent it again, in the end i aborted it on 4 occasions to make tweaks, and the video from the 5th attempt is uploading to youtube at the minute
Let me know what your YouTube channel is Martin. I’d like to subscribe and see some of your videos. I have a YouTube Chanel’s but don’t use it much since it’s just for personal use. Here is a link if anyone is interested. Enjoy everyone.
Mike I've got 2, once this is uploaded & sorted I'll post a link
Ok here's the link
Ok. Thanks Martin.
Check this out, winter of 2020. First time I used the app. Went flawlessly but I ran out of range, which I would have anyway. I was pushing the ground covered. I wanted to do some maneuvers that would have been impossible to do manually. The only thing that I still don't understand is the direction of the rotation going from one POI to another.
That's Billy Joel's house (1982) at the end/gimbal -90
So after that I was convinced to use it.
I think I understand the question about rotating to POI’s. Sometimes when I set a POI or particularly a drone heading, instead of going the shortest route it actually rotates the long way around. Not sure why and and how to change it if even possible. Maybe someone else can help if they have figured it out. If not maybe Jim can answer why and if possible to change.
Der, I found the problem. I had set the -90 to a waypoint instead of a path action. path action to path action = very smooth and slow gimbal rise. Just what I wanted.
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