Question about RTH while flying with Dronelink

charles folds
I have a DJI Mavic Air 2.
There's a fairly big property that I need to do some mapping on, and I've already got it planned in Dronelink. I've gone to the site and flown a few times (using the DJI app) and at the farthest edge of the property the signal gets weak (it's in the mountains). I even had one time I lost signal, but of course as usual the drone automatically starts to RTH and I pick up the signal again pretty quickly.
What I'm wondering is, what happens if I were flying the flight plan using Dronelink and drone hits that spot where the signal starts to get sketchy....does the drone still automatically start to RTH? I'm not sure, because it wouldn't be using the DJI app at that moment. Does it keep flying its flight plan regardless of signal?
Anyway, before I tried this I wanted to make sure how this works- I suppose I've never really known...does the drone know internally to RTH when signal is lost? And if that's the case, what about when using Dronelink?



  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Jim McAndrew could answer more precisely on this situation but I pretty sure that it will RTH while using Dronelink but I think there is a time frame that it will look for a signal and if none then initiate RTH.  When I lose signal I usually manually hit RTH. 

  • Comment author
    charles folds

    And I suppose in that case then I won't complete the flight plan because it's following the flight plan because it's getting the signal from the controller? I think I just read something about being able to upload waypoints to the drone so that it can finish a mission without having a signal..but I'm not sure I understood that correctly. Going to investigate. Thanks for the reply!


  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Bob is correct…..

    Question about onboard waypoints: DJI does not support onboard waypoints for the MA2.

    The drone needs an active connection at all times. Surprised it’s losing connection since the Ocusync is so amazing. As far as the transmission connection you can try to move yourself, adjust the controllers antenna to point more directly at the drone and get a better connection. You may be able to resume the mission if a strong enough signal is regained. If it can’t get a good connection It will perform whatever settings you have set in the DJI app for lose of connection which carry over to the DL app. However, it can be changed to a different state if a specific command component is put in the mission for lose of signal. “Hover, RTH or land”. Hope this helps.

    * Just for info incase you didn’t know*  The MA2 controller antenna radiates out from the top of the black box. It’s a beam type of antenna which radiates out in a funnel type beam instead of a omnidirectional antenna which radiates in a complete 360° like on the older controllers like the Mini, M2P, MP etc… Basically the top of the antenna on the MA2 controller should be pointed towards the drone for best results especially if in an area with interference or low signal.

    Enjoy, Mike….

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I was going to experiment today with signal loss but the wind picked up (drone started flying backwards) and it started raining.  But, Mike you are saying the drone will RTH if the signal is lost for a period of time.  I was almost 100% sure that is how it would work.  Charles keep in mind that if you are performing a mapping or orbit mission, and probably any other mission, and your SD card runs out of space, the mission will continue without recording.  If you start a mission with a full card then you will not be able to start the mission until you remove that command.  The only way you will know the recording has stopped is, you actually look at the recording time or you hear the command beep telling you your recording has stopped.  There was one mission where I saw the scrolling words "SD card is full, recording has stopped", but in 3 attempts to re-create it I have not been able to.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler
    • Edited

    Mike or Charles, do either of you have a scrolling message, "Image Transmission Signal Weak"?  It appears in the top left corner of my screen all the time, in fact it appears every time I fly for the past 2 years.  I have been told it is an SDK awaiting fix from DJI.  It may be just a mini thing.  I have been told to ignore it, and that it means nothing.

  • Comment author
    charles folds

    Thank you so much! This is all great info.
    In particular "If it can’t get a good connection It will perform whatever settings you have set in the DJI app for lose of connection which carry over to the DL app." gets at what I've been wondering. My thought was, if I'm actually launching the flight with DL, then how does the drone get the message about what to do if the signal is lost? So- start the drone with DJI app, then switch over the DL and the message about what to if the signal is lost is now been given to the drone...or rather DL has received that message and will give that command to the drone? Either way, doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to make sure the drone will know what to do. 
    "However, it can be changed to a different state if a specific command component is put in the mission for lose of signal." When you say mission, do you mean the mission programmed into DL? Is there a way to put into DL myself what to do if signal is lost?
    I agree, it's not typical that I'm losing signal with the drone given that I'm not THAT far away, but this is in the Appalachian mountains and there's some abrupt elevation changes on this property which puts me kinda down in a low spot and I'm needing to get the signal from 2 ridgelines away. It's not terrain that I can easily move to another spot and it's all big trees, except the one place where it's good to launch from. I'm seriously thinking about trying to find a way to get up in one of the trees LOL
    That's good to know about the SD card, thank you!!!
    Yes, I've seen that "signal weak" thing both times I've used DL- which was also part of my concern about the behavior of the drone if I lost signal while using DL. Oh- and wouldn't it be cool if I could upload the waypoints to the MA2...grrrr.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Bob: I’ve read about the “image transmission signal weak” a lot with the Mini. I’ve never had an issue with my MA2. I believe it is just with the Mini. I’ve flown just a very small amount of mission with my Mini and it’s been awhile so I don’t remember if it displays that message on the status bar or not.

    Charles: On the MA2 the DJI Fly app automatically opens when controller is powered on. I always let it load completely and wait for satellites and the home-point to be recorded just like when using it. Once it’s all ready I close the Fly app and open DL app. I’m fairy sure you don’t need to open the Fly app. I believe the information is stored on your device from the Fly. That’s just my guess since I don’t program software etc. I’ve always done it this way and it’s worked. Also I usually check the transmission signal anyway just to make sure there is no interference indicated. Make sure you don’t leave the Fly app or any other app running in the back ground on your device. Just better to not use more resources when using DL. 

    You can put a component command in the mission for different drone commands. Click on New Component, Command, “Drone command”. You will see many different commands to add to include RTH. Not all the commands listed in DL will work on every drone of course. The drone needs to be capable of performing the actual  command. Example: The Mini can’t avoid obstacles. 

    If you haven’t already, there are Dronelink videos on their YouTube channel. Maybe they can help too.

    Enjoy, Mike….

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Tried to fly a mission out of range today just to test what would happen but it was too windy for the mini, it kept stopping because the drone was too far of course.  I got another weird error msg.  "Device too slow to continue".  Don't know if talking about drone or tablet.  And yet another strange thing.  After re-starting mission when drone was off course, I could see that the drone was following the mission (by watching the video) but the drone icon would not move on the map. I am not sure if it was a result of DJI loading an update in the background that caused this.  I do know that the upgrade placed restrictions on my flight altitude.  I now receive a msg. when flying with DL that says, in essence, that my altitude is restricted to 120 meters due to the proximity of flight paths.  I never received this msg. before.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Charles, just to let you know, I tried flying a DL mission just a little outside my range where I live.  You were questioning whether DL will initiate a RTH command if out of range. I got 2 msgs., first one saying the remote control signal was weak and then within a few seconds rcvd. msg. "could not reach destination".  At this point the drone just hovered, I counted to 30 and there was no RTH initiated and I manually initiated the RTH.  So, for now it appears the answer is, NO, the program will not activate the RTH.  At this point I do not know if this is a flaw in DL, or this is the design, or there is a longer wait time.  I will try again and wait longer and let you know.   

  • Comment author
    charles folds

    Interesting. Yeah, I'm STILL a bit hesitant to trust that it's going to RTH if it gets out of range during a DL mission. Mainly because where I need to so this (actually this week, probably on Tuesday) it really tough terrain to get to, so if it just hovered til it ran out of battery and fell, or if it flew away, this would be a tough area to recover the drone. And honestly, I can't get to a safe open area around here where I could intentionally fly out of range to see what happens. You're using a mini? I wonder if that's going to be different than the MA2.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    If it is set to RTH on disconnect in the DJI Fly app then it should work. Dronelink will always use those settings. You can add a command in the DL app for “drone connection failsafe” and set to RTH and see what happens. Very curious why it isn’t going into RTH when disconnecting.

    You can test it without going far away. Just run a shorter distance mission and turn off controller. It should go into RTH. Maybe try it. I’ve turned off my controllers on several of my drones to test them over the years and they always would RTH. Even my much cheaper ones.

  • Comment author
    charles folds

    Ah! Of course...I can just turn off the controller- duh. I'm curious about what you said "add a command in the DL app for “drone connection failsafe” and set to RTH". Is that just in one of the settings for the mapping mission? I'll need to go back and double check that, I must have missed some of those details when I've done this before. Thank you again for ALL of your input- this has been incredibly helpful and everyone on this forum is super nice. I appreciate that!!!

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    You can set it on any Mapping or other plan. Just like adding any new component. Then click drone command and set to RTH or whichever option you want. Glad to help. Many pilots here which can help you too. Enjoy Charles. 


    P.S. the Mavic Mini should go into RTH after approximately 11 seconds without a connection. If it is trying to re-establish a connection on and off it may take longer until it drops out completely. 

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    As I said, I counted to 30 (maybe a little fast because I was getting nervous) when I lost connection and finally hit the RTH button.  The strange thing is it did not say that connection was lost, it said the connection to the RC was weak and then it said, Unable to reach destination, and then just hovered.  I tried it again 2 times but both times the drone went to the furthest point without issue, about 1,700 feet.

    I just found that command, "Drone Connection Failsafe" and it was set on hover.  I thought DJI program would, by default, RTH in the event of connection loss?  Am I wrong?  When flying with DL does it's program become the dominant program?  A slight change of subject, but not much.  When using the drone commands is there some way to tell which ones will or will not work with a specific drone?  Obviously collision avoidance will not work with the mini, but what about all the others.  For example, "Drone OcuSync Channel Selection Mode", or "Drone Lightbridge Channel Selection Mode".  Will these commands work with the Mini, and what exactly to they do anyway?   

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Hi Bob. I tried my Mavic Mini today. I checked and made sure the “lose of signal” in the DJI Fly app was set to RTH. I had to purposely lose the signal by folding the antennas, blocking the controller with my body and stand in my garage to finally get it to work. The Mission was flown at about 1,500 feet away at a low altitude and slow speed to give it plenty of time for lose of signal and a disconnect. The drone returned just as with the Fly app. I also tried again and turned off the controller and waited and it still returned. Not sure why yours isn’t. Also, I saw no “Image Transmission Signal Weak” and never remember seeing it with my MM or MA2.


    As for the commands, if your drone is not capable of performing those, then they will not work. I’m not absolutely sure but usually any command that’s added in mission will override the default settings in the DJI app. At least that’s my understanding. Example: camera settings don’t need to be setup in the Fly app first. If camera commands are placed in a mission then those settings will be used, not what the fly app was set to last.  

    Still many commands I haven’t used on my MA2. A lot of them don’t apply to my drone so I just don’t mess with them.

    I’d Go through Firmware and refresh again, calibrate the IMU, compass etc. Delete the DJI Fly app and re-install. It Can’t hurt so why not go through it all. Then check all of the Fly app settings to include the transmission signal section. Should be set to Auto switching, not manual. Hopefully it’s not an internal drone issue with the electronics which needs to be repaired. Seems like you have had several issues which don’t add up. You have put a ton of hours on that drone so anything is possible. Just a thought.

    Hope it gets figured out for you. Good luck, enjoy.


  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I have the insurance so I would only have to pay $40 for a new drone, but this is my second one under the insurance policy and I had the same "Transmission signal weak" on the other one and my son has the Mini also, bought around the same time.  He has the same issue.  In a post about 4 months ago, maybe more, Jim said it was a SDK problem with DJI and they were working on it, they were supposed to have a fix by the next update, well that happened last week and the only change that I could see was now when a fly a mission every time I start a get a message saying I am in a flight zone and there are limits to my altitude of 120m.  I am near a flight zone but not in one so I checked the max. flight in the program and it was indeed changed to 120m.  I don't fly that high anyway but kinda a concern that they can change that with an update.  They also changed my RTH altitude.  I always have it set to 140 feet because of trees, it was changed to 100 feet, I could have flown right into a tree if I did not catch that.

    As far as the RTH problem I will have to do some testing but it is going to rain for the next couple days around here. Some commands are not overwritten.  When I fly a mission with DL the only thing set is RTH, there is no altitude, but if I hit RTH the AC will go to 140 feet as set in my DJI app.

    Am I to understand that if I turn off the remote the drone should RTH no matter how far away?  So I could go to a field at a low altitude and a short distance and when I shut off the RC the drone should go to 140 feet and back home.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Since you can still hit the RTH on the controller and it will return it means there is still a signal connection to the drone, however low it may be. Otherwise it would not work. The image transmission signal to your device is usually the first thing to drop out before losing total connection to drone. The mission may be waiting or trying to re-acquire the image depending on the mission setup. I don’t know how the software and devices work but I’m curious if it is a device issue. I’ve always used my iPad Mini 5 and no problems. Anyway, sounds strange and I’m curious to see if it gets worked out. I’d ask Jim if the device is a possible issue. 

    “As far as the RTH problem I will have to do some testing but it is going to rain for the next couple days around here. Some commands are not overwritten.  When I fly a mission with DL the only thing set is RTH, there is no altitude, but if I hit RTH the AC will go to 140 feet as set in my DJI app

    Yes, The setting in the mission for “Action On Finish”  is just for whatever you set it to. RTH, Auto Land or Hover. The DJI Fly app RTH altitude will be applied unless you add an actual component command in the mission to change. 

    I’m sure it’s Frustrating. Good luck Bob.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler
    • Edited

    So again I am a little confused, the more I fly these things the more confusing it gets.  First of all the "Image transmission signal is weak" is on all the time, even 1 foot from the RC.  I never received a msg. saying out of range or anything like that, it said, "could not complete mission", the only reason I thought it was out of range was just seconds before that it said RC signal weak, so I assumed it was out of range.  What do you mean by "device", drone, RC, or tablet? I used to use a Samsung S21 phone, I now use a Samsung S7 tablet.

    Last, I always thought the emergency commands, like low voltage, RTH, and Out of range RTH, were generated from the drone, not the controller.  If generated from the RC and you lost contact between the drone and the RC, the drone would hover until the battery died and plummet to it's demise.  Is this true???

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Hi Bob. I forgot to mention about your “Device to slow to continue” I’m sure that is your device, not the drone or controller. DL takes more power/ processing to run then even the DJI Fly app. This may be just some of the issues. Just a thought.

    Yes, the drone has all the information stored on it for RTH, altitude etc. What I was saying is if the controller and drone aren’t getting a good signal between them it may not continue because DL believes there is not a strong enough signal to complete it. A low transmission signal between the controller and drone can and probably will effect the flight/ mission and is probably why it displayed the “could not complete the mission” 

    If it possible for you to use someone else’s IPad just to test I’d suggest to try. You will know right away since the image transmission signal is always displayed from take-off with your device. If it works correctly then you know what is causing the issue. The SDK may not be working properly with any Android operating system which is what Samsung uses. I only suggest this because I’ve never had any of your issues using my iPad Mini 5. It’s a different DJI SDK for both operating systems so I’m curious if it’s just an issue with some Android devices. 

    Sorry if I’m confusing you a bit. It’s a lot if issues and information to digest. Good luck of course. Mike….

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler
    • Edited

    Mike I don't think you are confusing, I think it is the whole drone and software thing is confusing, there is so much to learn and every time I think I understand something I find something else that makes it unclear.  I think you may be onto something when you say that maybe the program works better with an Apple product.  As i was reading your post I noticed the box that the mini came in and it said in small letters "Made for i phone", in even smaller letters (had to use a big magnifying glass), may not work with other products.  I have never owned any Apple product, my wife just recently got an iphone because it was free, I will try hooking hers up just to see.

    At any rate I tested the RTH on both programs and as long as the drone was more than 60 feet away it performed as expected when I shut off the controller, the drone flew up to 140 feet and over to where I launched it.  So if Charles is reading this he should feel comfortable in performing his mapping mission.  I am not too sure about the battery situation.  I have heard that the DJI program constantly calculates the battery usage and it will automatically RTH at the right time by calculating the wind and distance.  But of course if the wind is blowing at a constant that does not allow the drone to make any headway then it is going to run out of juice and crash.  I saw a case on the DJI forum where a guy from Africa was complaining that his brand new Mini just flew away.  Well when someone looked at the flight record they could see that he was flying at nearly 1,000 feet and the drone was going backward and the last known position was over 6 miles away.  

    I had a similar incident (not in height but distance) when I first got my drone and the Dronelink program.  I made a mission to fly in a rather rural location for my neck of the woods.  I was using a Samsung S5 with a tiny screen and there was bright sunlight so the screen could not be seen too easy. A bystander became interested and was asking me questions while the drone was flying, I was showing him the icon of the drone flying when all of a sudden the icon started back to us and I landed it.  I did not understand why it came back, I did not receive any signal saying it was out of range.  When I looked at the voltage it was down to 13%.  It appears the drone was smarter than me and knew it needed to return home.  At least that is the way I explained it to the guy watching.  But, do you know if this is true, does the program constantly monitor battery level, distance and travel speed so as to calculate a safe time to return?

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Yes these drone are smart. They do calculate the battery percentage and will activate RTH depending on how much battery is needed to return to home-point. It’s Pretty amazing.

    I do remember seeing the same info about IOS devices on my box.I also went through several other post about the signal transmission weak and they were all on an Android devices and Jim stated DJI was working on it. However, it’s been awhile and ot still seems like it’s not fixed. Jim did say that as long as the DJI Fly app runs fine with no such errors or messages then it should not be an issue, just a nuisance.

    Since DL is using the Virtual Stick approach it means it must have a good connection between drone and controller at all times to operate well. The DL app is actually controlling the drone per your mission setup just as if you were flying manually. This means the software in the DL app is actually flying the drone just as if you were manually flying it. It will always need a good connection and especially a powerful enough processor capable of running the drone commands in real time. Otherwise it will struggle to run mission especially if even more complicated and long.

    I Believe when you try it with the iPhone it will work much better. Obviously you will know right after take-of if there is no signal transmission error or message. 

    The newer IPad Mini 6 has come out and of course more money. If you look around you may be able to find a new iPad Mini 5 with 64gig storage, WiFi only for about $350. I paid $400 for mine and I’ve seen them at a lower prices since the 6th gen came out. I know it sounds like a lot but it’s really a great deal when you consider the cost of about $600 to $700 for an iPhone 12 with same storage. Price depends on if the want the 5.4 or 6.1” screen. Since I bought the iPad I will never go back to a 5.5” size screen. A huge difference between them. I use my iPad to create the DL mission and edit all my videos. Mostly use it for all my GPS drones but it still can do so much more. 

    Enjoy Bob. Hope everything works out. 

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I just bought the Samsung S8 tablet from Costco for $160.  I am retired living on a very low and restricted income I can't just go out and spend $500 like it's a nickel.  I do work part time as a civil engineer but I probably only get 6 days a month work.  I do notice that S8 (8" screen) picture is quite pixilated and I am not happy with that.  I have never liked iphones, I never owned one but I know many people complain that they are too expensive and break down all the time.  I know some who have gone over to Samsung because of that.

    Do you know if there is particular speed that DL needs to operate comfortably?

    Like I said in my last post, I did do 3 batteries worth of RTH testing and I am a lot more comfortable about it's ability to RTH.  When the drone was only 1500 feet away and just hovered and I had no control, and little notice that it was going out of range, I became worried that some day I might lose it.  All your conversations have eased my fears a lot.  I will look into an ipad.  I have been saving my part time money to get the new Mavic 3, but it would not be much use if I did not have an ipad to run it.  I just wish DJI would make their drones more versatile.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I’ve only owned iPhones and iPads for about 10 years or more. I know some people absolutely hate Apple devices. Too each their own. Yes, they are more expensive but it’s no different then comparing a Toyota Corolla to a Toyota Camry. Ive owned both and the difference very noticeable. Overall, you get what you pay for. No difference than trying to compare my cheaper Holy Stone drones to my DJI’s.

    That new Mavic 3 combo is about $3,000 and it has the even faster video camera bitrate at 200mbps which is incredible. I believe it will need a much more powerful processor and video/ graphics card to handle the videos. The Mavic Air 2 camera bitrate is at 120 mbps which is amazing when you compare it to the Mini’s 40 mbps. Be prepared to possibly have some issues running videos if not using an iPad or very good PC. My Mini and both HS drones videos will run on my home PC. However, my MA2 with the much faster bitrate of 120 mbps will not play on PC. It has a cheap video card and only has 1gig of video RAM. That’s separate from the actual computer RAM. Most recommend a minimum of 6 gig and better to go with 8 gig of video RAM. Not cheap but only way to play these newer models with such better and faster video bitrate. 

    Just some thoughts to consider if wanting to get the full potential from the drone. Once some more money comes in I’m purchasing a new home PC which will be able to play, edit and view in 4K without any issues. It will be about $3,000 but we’ll worth it to be able to get the full potential. Right now all my devices and my PC can only display in 1080 HD so I’m not getting the full potential from my videos anyway. I know it’s a lot to digest but over the last year I’ve researched and realized what it takes to utilize the full potential of my Drones.

    Im on a fixed retirement too but I’ve saved a good amount for my later years so we have been splurging a bit and trying to enjoy what time we have left. I can’t take it with me and most of it will be left to my two children anyway.

    Happy holidays and Best wishes, I hope everything works out for you. 

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    That is a lot of info, if you don't mind, I am going to save it for future reference.  I am hoping to get my license and do some drone videos and pictures for local real estate companies and maybe wedding venues, my son is already doing this but usually only for people he knows as a "Favor" because he does not have his license either.  Probably just a pipe dream at my age.

    I am in a similar life stage as you.  I built my house 35 years ago and it cost me $140 k back then but it was paid off.  I have saved up a lot but I too am giving it to my 2 children.  My daughter has a 3 year old and her husband left her and she is back home again.  She wants to buy a house but the market is crazy. 2 bedroom knock down houses are selling for 300 to 400 k, so she needs financial help.  We are acting as the bank to get her a condo/house so she can be on her own again.  My son is married and renting and we will do the same for him.  So like you I have the money but it's use is already planned for.  Can't take it with you, and I will be dammed if I let some nursing home take it.

    The mini is my first real drone.  I had one of those Chinese knock offs of the mini but the very first flight it went haywire and ended up in a tree.  Took me days to get it down and by then it had been rained on several times and was useless.  I have actually had 2 minis because my first mini had an issue with the gimbal overheating every time I flew it.  DJI sent me a new one under the insurance policy.  Just as well anyway, I had crashed it so many times that I think it had more epoxy than plastic.  I even had a crow attack it causing it to crash about 100 feet.  After that I had to replace one arm and re-glue the gimbal back in because it had been ripped right out.  Oh and my daughter's dog caught it and ran off with it putting a few teeth marks in it.  So it was heading to the drone grave yard soon.  Only crashed my new one once but it only a few feet off the  ground.  I had been flying a little too late in the afternoon and when I landed it the sensors must have had problems seeing the deck and it went a little crazy and flew into the deck rails, only minor blade scuffs but still flew fine.  It will not be long until we can't fly here.  The weather gets pretty cold and I receive error messages.  Well gotta go and take the baby to see Santa.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    No problem, hope it helps for future reference. There is definitely a lot more then just buying and flying a great quality drone. As I stated above, if wanting to utilizes the the full potential from these drone it takes an investment. Most don’t realize this and think all their videos are of the highest quality just because it was recorded in 4, 6 or even 8K. If it can’t be played and/ or viewed in the actual resolution it was recorded in, then it seems like a waste of a great drone.  

    All we can do is plan what we can and hope for the best results.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I guess it's kinda like purchasing a TV that is 4k but your cable company broadcasts in1080.

    But I think we got off Subject. Why when flying a DL mission and I go out of range, the drone just hovers until I manually hit RTH?

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    The TV example is perfect. Sorry, I believe I mentioned above. If your able to hit the RTH button and have it return then it still has a connection however weak it may be. Otherwise it would not work since it would be disconnected from the controller. After approx 11 seconds or so of a “full” disconnect between controller and drone will it then go into RTH if set in the DJI Fly to that state. If it’s indicating a weak signal or anything else then it still has a connection.

    I believe DL can detect if the signal is weak and pause the mission due to not being able to finish. I’m not sure on this but I do think it will give you a chance to adjust your position and controllers antennas to try for a better signal and then retry by clicking the resume button. I believe I read something on this type situation where it detects a weak signal and pauses to try again to finish but maybe it’s my old brain hallucinating.  

    The settings in the DJI Fly app are stored on the drones firmware. Obviously the controller and drone need to be started up and connected with the DJI app running for the changes you make in the app to be stored on the drone. I believe it didn’t RTH until you hit the button because it still had a connection no matter how weak it may have been. It must be disconnected completely for a minimum length of time as indicated by DJI. This is why when you turn off your controller it works. 

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    I just tested it again, twice.  I had my car ready and running just in case.  I used a DL mission that the first leg would be out of range, for my area, and sent it off.  The image transmission msg. is on all the time so I just ignore that, the next msg. I got was, "controller signal is weak", but it still flew.  I then got a msg., "aircraft disconnected", the drone stopped at this point and hovered (keep in mind I cannot see it even with my strobe flashing) the 2 msgs. fluctuated back and forth a couple times until over a minute expired.  I got nervous and got in my car intent on heading to where drone is hovering.  I barely got out my driveway when RTH was automatically actuated.  So I still am not sure that by driving towards the drone I was bringing the remote closer causing a re-connect to the drone.  I still wonder what would happen if I just sat there patiently to see what would happen.  I am nervous that the altitude and distance may be wrong, I had this happen before, the altitude and distance froze while the mission continued and the video was active.  Jim put the post in the bug reports and just recently advised me that they have a fix and it will be in the next upgrade.  But what if my drone started to land 1,500 feet away and the screen had froze and I could not tell if it was descending?  I am going to try to get my son to go to where the drone loses contact and keep an eye on it.

    As far as your brain hallucinating, I read stuff here and the manual and I always get things mixed up. 

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Sounds like it was working fine since it was already in RTH and returning. Even if you were driving closer and was able to re-establish a connection, it had already activated RTH. So unless you cancelled the RTH the drone will continue to home-point and land. I understand it’s Sometimes hard to be patient and wait especially if you lose Visual. Good idea to have someone else keep an eye on it just so you can test it and see it’s working and give you some more confidence it it’s capabilities. 

    The drone won’t land if RTH is set. Even if the screen freezes up and you can’t see anything, the drone will RTH. That’s why it’s important to set the RTH state and altitude to more than the highest obstacle in that area. Maybe even a bit higher. Trust the drone. 

    I’m fully confident my drones will return if they disconnect. All your other issues will hopefully be corrected with updates/ fixes or possibly a better device.

  • Comment author
    Bob Scheffler

    Can't prove it by me that the drone will not land where it is. I don't remember if you were involved in another post of mine. I was flying an orbit in an industrial park. I think I was 100 feet alt and a couple 100 feet distance. I could clearly see the drone and it suddenly went into emergency landing. It almost landed on the heads of outside diners.I had to muscle the drone back to me. A review of the flight records showed battery level was at 92%. No one could figure out what happened. The records showed going into emergency landing but no reason. I made an educated guess that it was the props. They were a year old and when I compared them to new ones they were flat. I had previously rcvd msgs that the drone was flying backward and a crash was imminent.
    Trees around me are around 100 feet tall and relatively flat terrain so I set RTH to around 140 feet. Since that mission was going out of site I went to 150.


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