Map Overlap

Steve Fines


Yesterday I ran a mission called "2250 Pilot Knob"

The Mapbox photo of the left side of this building is current.

I had the map overlap settings at 80% and 55% with the 13mm XT2 camera.

Looking at the images I don't think the overlap was correct. The left-right overlap was good, but the overlap of the "rows" seems a little thin.

I've attached a photo showing the issue. This is from the lower left hand corner of the building when looking at the flight plan.

Hopefully I just had a setting incorrect?




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Was that just for one or two photos (near the edge of the map) or all of them?

  • Comment author
    Steve Fines

    All of them. As the camera moved right (on the bottom photo) it seemed to have about 80% overlap with the next frame. 

    But between rows they all looked like the photo above.

  • Comment author
    Steve Fines

    Here's what the side to side overlap looked like. Looks appropriate.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Can you share the mission plan?

  • Comment author
    Steve Fines

    Sure. Apologies as I thought that just the name would have done that. Here's the link:



  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    The front overlap and the side overlap don't take into account the drone heading option that you have enabled (0 north). You should probably swap the two overlaps since the drone is effectively pointing 90 degrees off the path of motion.

  • Comment author
    Steve Fines

    Ok - I'll try that.

    It seems though the overlap on the top photos wasn't 55% or 80% but something much less.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    It's probably further exacerbated by the fact that you are not using a nadir capture angle.


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