Cannot find my location via GPS when pick the takeoff point on android mobile app
i can't find my location via gps.
i allowed the location permissions.
I updated my Dronelink app on my Android device to version 5.0.0(298)
but, it's worked on 4.9.4(295), i check the setup the older apk.
fix this problem. thx.
running device : galaxy s10 5g korea ver. (SM-G977N)
Did you go into the device settings and confirm the Location Services has been enabled. Also can you try another device which is much newer. Do you have a PC or Laptop to use. The Web app will work across different platforms and devices and will be much easier to use with a much larger screen. On a seperate subject, that device is about 5 years as old and it may work but it is possible it may not work well. Just something to be aware of if you have any performance issues.
Check Dronelink requirements.
s10 5g work pretty well.
and check on another devices(iphone 14pro, samsung jump3(m44 : android 14).
iphone has no problem.
but, android device has same issue.
settings all confirm.
Maybe it's ver 5.0.0(298) issue.
Dev's check this issue.
I just started having this issue. I am using a Google Pixel 12 Pro with DJI Air 2s and N1 controller. All permissions have been enabled and nothing has changed outside of Software updates for DJI and Drone link. There are no error messages, but when processing orthos, I get errors and the photos are all over the place. Sometimes it does work, though. I have been testing, but it seems very random. When touching the Locator icon after the drone connects, I get a red cross over the icon and it grays out. I have tested on an older Samsung tablet and had the same result. DJI Fly app finds the drone with no problem. I am using the mapping mission and have not tried 3d or waypoints.
What version of Dronelink?
Can you post a link to a screen recording showing the behavior?
Yes. My version is 5.0.0 (298)
The Screen recording is on this link
Does it work if you just edit the plan in your browser on the phone (not through the app)?
I can try that today hopefully
This did not work. I started getting an error message from DJI, so I am going to make sure this is not drone related instead of Dronelink.
This is corrected in the latest beta (5.0.1 build 300).
Thank you! Hopefully test this out tomorrow if the weather gives us a break here.
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