DJI Mini 3 Pro - odd & dangerous behaviour with flight plan
Hello community,
after the recent update, our DJI Mini 3 Pro doesn't execute the planned flights anymore and furthermore acts very odd and does very random and dangerous maneuvers.
After starting everything up and the controller in "N"-Mode, dronelink always displays "P-GPS" as it's mode.
When we start a mission, the drone goes up and the start going crazy. Following things have happend:
- random yaw and spinning aroud
- the gimbal goas up and down
- drone goes down without command and could possibly have crashed into the ground.
We are using normal maps to fly over railway construction sites. Signal interference IS NOT the problem. When in manual flight, everything works fine and the drone can keep it's location perfectly. We also tried the same map and location with another drone and it went perfectly fine. A reset of the drone and deinstalling dronelink and dji fly doesn't help either. We have tried every basic solution to get it to work again but nothing helped.
So the only guess is that something is wrong with dronelink or the version of the app. I will add all the information about our mission down below but I hardly believe that they have to do anything with that, as these settings have worked for us plenty of times.
Any help and support is welcome as we need this to work again asap.
Kind regards,
Hope others will not confirm the same.
I have missions to run soon.
Wouldn´t like to face this situation.
Lukas Döhring, can you share the plan please ?
stéphane GARNIER
here is a link to the plan
Lukas Döhring 👍
Just to confirm, you're using Dronelink DJI rather than Dronelink as it's a Mini3 that you are flying
I just flew this whole mission without any issues. Latest version of Dronelink (4.9.4) and firmware 01.00.0600.
Salve anche io ho lo stesso problema con mini 3 non riuscendo ad eseguire delle semplici mappe con volo pianificato…una volta avviata la missione il drone si allontana di molto dalla rotta ed in alcuni casi inizia a ruotare su se stesso.
Ho già provato a ricalibrare bussola ed IMU ma senza nessun risultato.
Dispositivo Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite SM-P610
Versione Dronelink DJI 4.9.4 (295)
Firmware drone 01.00.0500
Firmware radiocomando 04.16.0500
Versione DJI fly 1.14.1
Ecco il link del piano di volo
It looks like I was using a later firmware than you. Can you try upgrading?
Purtroppo dall'applicazione DJI Fly mi dice che non ci sono nuovi aggiornamenti firmware disponibili per Mini 3
Specifico che con la vecchia versione Beta di Dronelink e il vecchio Firmware del drone i Piani di Volo funzionavano senza nessun problema.
I understand that, but like I said, we ran the same mission and there were no problems. Without a way to reproduce the issue, we can't fix it.
Maybe post a screen recording?
Saludos; sigo pensando que hay un error en la ultima actualización de la aplicación de DRONELINK con el fimware version 4.9.4 . Ya que he volado mi drone DJI mini 3 con una aplicación nueva llamada "MAP PILOT PRO" y esta nueva aplicacion funciono muy bien. /// en la misma zona de vuelo con dos aplicaciones y funciono muy bien MAP PILOT PRO; pero dronelink ya no me funciona desde que la actualice // con "dronelink" el dron despega dando vueltas 360 grados en horizontal. luego en pantalla la altura de vuelo se congela y no cambia por mas que el dron aumente de altura, luego se pierde la señal de video y camara a una distancia muy corta. situación que antes nunca se presentaba con dronelink :(
Dronelink debería permitir usar fimware mas antiguos donde funciona bien la aplicación /// No debería ser obligatorio la actualización de fimware para poder realizar un plan de vuelo. saludos
yo aun tengo el mismo problema con la aplicacion de dronelink Lukas Döhring 👍
Sorry, I was talking about the Mini 3 Pro. When I tried it with the Mini 3 I was on firmware 01.00.0410. Can you try downgrading?
ya inslate la versión anterior que funcionaba bien; pero si instalo la versión anterior la aplicación de DRONELINK no me permite usar plan de vuelo y me pide descargar la última versión.
The previous version of the drones firmware from DJI, not Dronelink.
entiendo. la ultima version de firmware para la aplicacion de DJI FLY la tengo hace mas de 3 meses y funcionaba bien DJI fly y dronelink.// y aun no me ha pedido actualización dji fly; si bajo la version anterior de DJI me pedira de nuevo la ultima actualización actual que ya tiene. /// puedo decir que a fecha de hoy la aplicacion MAP PILOT PRO funciona bien para cumplir con planes de vuelo. pero dronelink no funciona /// pienso que la solucion es que dronelink actualice y corrija las fallas del firmware para Drone DJI mini 3.
Repeatedly saying the Map Pilot works doesn't help us solve the problem. We did not make any changes related to flight code between 4.9.4 and 4.9.3. The only thing that could have possibly affected the performance was that we updated from DJI SDK 5.9.0 to 5.10.0, and it is possible that other apps, such as Map Pilot have not. Before we create a version with the previous version of the DJI SDK for testing, you need to downgrade the firmware on the drone to the same version we tested to see if it solves the problem.
Come posso scaricare ed installare la versione precedente del firmware? Da DJI Fly e da DJI Assistant non riesco…
Aun si mi movil no tubiera la aplicacion de DJI fly instalada, deberia funcionar dronelink correctamente // pienso que no tiene relacion que la aplicacion DJI FLY este instalada o no. ni que este actualizada o no.
tal vez tocaria esperar que el drone mini 3 pida nueva actualizacion con SDK 5.10.0.
Just tested with Mini 3 Pro on firmware 01.00.0900 and Mini 3 on firmware 01.00.0500 and they both worked great.
Jim purtroppo ho fatto un altra prova oggi e continua a darmi seri problemi con il drone che appena parte il piano di volo è fuori controllo allontanandosi dalla rotta e girando su se stesso…se mi dici come posso postare un video lo inserisco così puoi vedere tu stesso il problema…
To post a video, just upload it to somewhere like you tube and then put a link to it on here
a mi me sucede lo mismo Giovanni Iannotti // el drone se sale de control y gira y gira y gira
Francisco Madrigal
a mi tambien me sucede lo mismo desde hace una semana tengo el mismo problema que indica Giovanni Iannotti
Can anyone post a video of it? We still cannot reproduce it.
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