Issue with camera and sd
Hi, I contact you in order to an error with the application dronelink. When I begin my mission and the drone is going towars the start point, in my screen compares the error code 1013 e tells that the camera is not available and doesn't support the feature, so the mission is failed and I can't take the pictures. However an another bug that I see is about the SD card, which is not visible on dronelink (for this I send a screenshot). I use an IOS system and I have a DJI Mavic Mini. Can you tell me how I can resolve my problems? thanks a lot.
Have you tried formatting the SD card ? Does it recorded footage with the DJI Fly app ? Also the SD card is considered part of the camera so that failure is more than likely a SD card issue.
Yes, the sd card works, and the camera get photos in manual mode in both apps ( Dronelink e DJI fly) and save its correctly. But in mission doesn’t work. Also I change the sd card and the issue remains. Also on Android there’s the same problem, with only difference that Dronelink view correctly the sd card, but doesn’t format it, and doesn’t work for mission.
Can you share the mission, so that we can take a look at it
Several things I see. You set the focus mode to Auto which the MM cannot perform. It is a fixed focus only camera. Only functions which can work are the same as when using the DJI app because that’s all the firmware will allow. I’d set that back to the default and try again. As far as when using an Android device then just format it in DJI Fly app or on PC. Once done it does not need to be repeated. You also added an additional gimbal channel which isn’t needed and won’t work. That’s for drones which have multiple camera so you need to delete those. Advise if the mission runs once you return the focus mode to the default - - and delete the extra gimbal channels
I did notice you set the first map to distance capture priority add the second map to time capture. Not sure if that’s how you wanted it but just something I noticed. Pilots choice and unrelated to the camera issue. One last thing. You changed the distance and altitude tolerance along with some other default settings. I suggest not changing any of those defaults as they have been tested by DL for years and work best. It may cause other issues especially the distance and altitude tolerances and it will not make it fly closer or more accurate to the path.
I went ahead and completely went through the entire plan and eliminated what I know for sure will cause issues. You added two gimbal channels with different gimbal pitches on the start of each map component. You can add one gimbal channel if you want on the approach (start of component) but it’s not necessary. All that will do is capture photos on the approach (dotted line on map) to the map component and has nothing to do with the mapping component itself. Adding multiple gimbal channels will always fail unless you are using a drone which has multiple cameras. I also changed a couple other things. Take a look at it and compare it to your original plan. Other than setting the altitude, max speed, gimbal pitch and the photo interval time on the map component itself you don’t need to add anything else.
In regard to the default settings which I talked about those should not be changed unless you know exactly how it will affect the mission. I’ve been using DL for about 3 1-2 years with a ton of missions and I have rarely changed any of those default values and only because I know how it would affect the mission. It’s just not necessary and will not make the mission fly more accurately or work any better. DL will advise the same. Keep it simple and let the DL app take care of the basics. Hope this helps. Enjoy.
Thanks a lot. I've completed the mission, with this plan. Thank you Mike!
Your welcome. It is a very powerful app with a lot to learn which will take time. Enjoy.
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