How to convert a mission into a map
I completed my first 2 mapping do I now download and convert all the photos into 1 map, can this all be done in the dronelink app or do I need another software programme?
Kind regardsÂ
DL mission only captures the photos so you need to process them with a software of your choice. WebODM is probably one of the most mentioned but many out there. If you have windows OS then you can check out ICE.
This video should have all you need.
It's part of a series so you might want to to check out the other videos. There are a lot of them!
Hi Mike...thank you very much. I appreciate your answer and advice. Kind regards and take care.
Always glad to help. If more assistance is needed and you can’t be find the answer in all the DL help articles or tutorials then ask. Enjoy.
You might want to check out this 5MF video
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