Orthomap customization after initial setup

Dean Ford

After I set up a mission, flew it, and then processed the map, I want to review the map settings to confirm the overlap, etc. I may want to increase the overlap, slow down the bird etc. to increase a GSD value. How do you do that?





  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    You just edit it with the Web app you used to create it. If you flew it with the On the Fly map component then just go into the Web app to your flown mission and open it and then save. I’d bookmark the DL help section which has a ton of help articles which covers a lot and even some newer tutorial videos. Hope that helps. As always feel free to ask anything which you cannot find or figure out and someone on this forum can help. DL has fantastic support and many other pilots which will assist you. Enjoy.


  • Comment author
    Dean Ford

    Well, you just.... it's never that easy. This is the problem with DroneLink, it's never easy!
    I appreciate the feedback, but maybe I'm technically challenged. I have a mission, which I have an OrthoMap, I LMC the map, I get to see Front Distance and side Distance. Wait this is the overlap?! Why isn't it indicated as a percentage? And where is there a setting for Margin?


  • Comment author
    Dean Ford

    I need to immerse myself into DroneLink daily, but at a minimum, it should have settings that match the consumer drone system it's trying to enhance. I would like to see a numerical feedback on this menu that states GSD value. Not there. 


  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Sorry Dean, just trying to help. You asked on how to change the overlap and speed which is accomplished in the Web app. The front and side overlaps are indicated as percentages so you must have not seen these. The GSD is based on the set altitude and the ground sample distance is indicate as well just under the overlaps. If I’m misunderstanding then I apologize but as stated, just trying to help. Maybe DL staff can help more if needed. DL is one of the most powerful apps for these type drones. It is not a cheap app like others out there and therefore as what pilots say, it has a steep learning curve. It takes time to learn even half of what features and functions are available and how a lot of it works. DL has a lot of help articles and some greet tutorial videos. Sending a few links which may help especially the mapping component one. Also the DL YouTube channel with tutorial videos. Hope this helps.




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Not sure I understand the issue. I think most of this information is already available in the mission planner:


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