How many images for Panos (Spherical and Horizontal)
Aircraft: DJI Air 2S
How many images for a spherical?
How many images for a horizontal?
6 panos: All images dumped in one folder!
Please see the attached image.
2 & 3 are horizontal
the rest are spherical.
When DJI takes the panos each pano is saved to a separate folder.
When DroneLink takes panos EVERYING is dumped in the SAME folder.
The user is left count which pictures go where
Ok the answers are
Spherical 27
Horizontal 5
You can check this out in the mission estimate by following these steps
Open Mission Estimate Panel
Click on Summary
In this case I've named the 2 panos appropriately so if i click 360
This will show that 360 consists of 27 images
However of recent a new camera command has been introduced that enables you to set custom folder names on the SD card, I've not tried it in the field yet, however I've created a component list that contains both this new command and the stop capture command it requires that you can copy from here
If this works how I think it does then you just insert it before each pano and set the folder name appropriately, to see what i mean check this out
Mission showing set capture folder lists
Set capture folder name by clicking here
Change name here
Hope that helps
As an addendum to my previous comment and it doesn't work with my mini 2 so I've asked in another post what drones are supported, with this not working on my mini2 I'll go back to doing what i normally do on such missions which is manually film a short video between photos, so the videos work as markers when I come to transfer material to my PC
Martin, Thank You! This is awesome information.
This is what we did each camera icon is a hyperlink:
Here are the Panos:
Panos by Panoram Studio 4 Pro
Question for the Developers (and Jim)..... Does the DJI MSDK include a command to execute the DJI Pano (not the homespun Dronelink DJI pano). I am wanting the individual photos STITCHED into a Pan onboard the Drone SD card, not just capturing the individual photos. So that's the question - does the MSDK have a command to execute the DJI Pano? (If so can DL tap into it with a Photo Command?). There is a need for this.
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