"Telemetry Unavailable" Drone Error - Mini 3 Pro / Samsung S22+
This might not be a Beta Test question but I'll ask it anyway.
I was using the "regular" Dronelink App (version 4.9.0 (282)) but I got no video and this pair of error messages:
Any troubleshooting thoughts here?
Also should I now be using the "regular" app for the Mini 3 Pro, or the "Dronelink DJI" app still?
The "Dronelink DJI" App worked fine btw, but note - the regular Dronelink App (not DJI) I have shows "Beta" in the lower right corner. Is this advisable?
Thanks for the help.
OK, I figured out (remembered) the first part - the MSDK 5 requires the Dronelink DJI app. Other questions still valid however.
But then another question comes to mind. Can the Dronelink DJI App be used on MSDK 4 DJI Drones?
I'm quite happily flying the beta Dronelink app with my mini 2
If you are referring to:
You should only use the beta if you are actually interested in testing, not if you are just wanting pre-release access to new drones or features, as discussed here.
No, DJI chose to make v4 and v5 incompatible, forcing us to have two separate apps. Yes, it is really annoying.
Yes, I would like to do more beta testing, but the Roadmap has no Beta items on it (Column A). What to test??
Allso, how do I switch back to the non Beta Android App at will, and then switch back again?
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