Tasks - Send Run-Only Missions to External Pilots

  • Updated

Tasks allow you to share missions to an unlimited number of pilots outside of your account for execution only. Tasks can now be reusable with various usage settings, making it even easier to manage missions.


Below we summarize the basics you need to know to get started quickly, summarize key details, and go into more details for each configuration option and how to use the tasking system.


Table of Contents:

1 - Basics to Get Started

2 - Key Details Summary

3 - Create a Task

4 - Set Task Type

5 - Setup and Configure Task

5.1 - Set Expiration

5.2 - Set Reuses

5.3 - Set User Restriction

6 - Invite Users

7 - Accepting Tasks

8 - Managing Tasks



1 - Basics to Get Started

Sending Tasks is simple. First generate a Task link for your mission and send it to the pilot, once they accept the Task, they can run it through the Dronelink mobile app.


Select Task from the mission plan menu to create a New Task.





Select Create. Check Reusable if you want the Mission flown multiple times.


Select Send Task Invitation 


Send the link to the pilot via email or your preferred method




After clicking the link, the pilot will need to login or register a new free user profile.


And Accept the Task



The pilot can now open and fly the mission in the Dronelink mobile app






2 - Key Details Summary

  • Tasks allow a mission to be flown by external pilots for execution only
  • The task is shared with for the first time using a link
  • Once a task is accepted, a user can access tasks from the mobile app
  • External pilots can setup a free run-only user profile and do not have access to your account
  • Tasks are available for business accounts only
  • There are no limits to the number of tasks, users, or drones 
  • Tasked missions and flight minutes are linked and billed to the account from which the Task was created
  • Tasks work for on-the-fly functions and planned missions
  • Account admins can monitor acceptance, usage, flights, and additional activity
  • Tasks can be configured to be single use or reusable
  • Reusable tasks can have unlimited uses, or set a usage limit
  • Reusable tasks can be restricted to specific user emails, or email domain for security
  • Tasks can have a expiration date
  • A single mission or function can have multiple tasks


3 - Create a Task

In the web browser as a logged in app.dronelink.com user, a mission plan or function can be tasked.

Select the Tasks button in the menu of the mission plan.


Or Task a mission from your account home menu for a specific mission plan by selecting the (...) menu:



If a mission already has Tasks, you can review and create New Tasks from the Task Menu for the mission.



4 - Set Task Type - Reusable or Non-Reusable Task

A dialog box will open to configure your New Task. Provide a Name, and optional description and tags.

Here it is possible to set the task to be reusable.

Additional settings such as usage limit, expiration date, and user restrictions can be configured in following steps.

Select Create


Non - Reusable





5 - Configure the Task

The configuration page of a non-reusable vs reusable task are different as seen below. 

For non-reusable tasks, you can only set the expiration date. Reusable tasks have all options:

  • Set Expiration: Defaults to no expiration. After set date, the task will no longer be available 
  • Reuses: Defaults to unlimited uses. Or set a limit to the number of uses
  • Users: Defaults to unrestricted where any user can accept the task link and fly it. Limit usage to specific emails, or an email domain such as "mycompany.com"

Non - Reusable





5.1 - Set Expiration

Select Set Expiration

Select Expire Now to use today's date and immediately expire the Task


Select Expiration Date to open a calendar view and pick a date in the future


The Task will now display your set expiration date:


Select x to clear the expiration date.

An Expired Task will display in red and it will not be possible to send the Task to new pilots.


When a task expires, the Task will no longer show in the mobile app.


5.2 - Set Reuses 

Select Reuses from the Task menu to open the reuses settings page



Select Set Usage Limit 



Edit the Usage Limit value



The Task menu will update to show the number of total Reuses and the number of uses remaining.




5.3 - Set User Restriction 

You can limit who has access to Tasks, and see what users have accepted your task invitation.


Select Users from the Task menu to edit settings:



Type in a domain or email address and select the "+" button to add the user restriction:



Once added, you will see the acceptance filters show.



Only once a user accepts the Task, will they show up in the user menu.






6 - Invite Users

Select Send to invite a user



If a user has previously accepted a Task, you can select them from the Assign Task menu.

For new users, select Send Task Invitation





Select Send Email and Dronelink will open your email client with a short message including the direct task link:


Or Select Direct Link and send the Task your preferred way




7 - Accepting Tasks

A Task needs to be accepted if issued for the first time. 

Select the link to accept the task.

If the user does not have an existing Dronelink user profile, they will need to create a free user profile. 



After selecting the Link, the following page will open in a web browser:




Login with an existing profile if available, otherwise select Register and fill out the following details:




Once logged in, Select Accept Task


For a first time user, select to Download the App, otherwise Launch the App

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Open the Dronelink app and Select Tasks. Users that do not have a paid Dronelink account will only see Tasks.


In the Tasks Menu, select the Task to open the mission or function.

Select the (...) menu to view a 3D preview, or remove the Task.


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6 - Managing Tasks

In your account, under the Tasks menu, it is possible to view all Tasks within your account, monitor  and manage Task activity.

Use the filters, or the search bar to quickly filter through the task list. Tasks are also visible as icons on the map. 




Tasks are updated real-time. Once Tasks become accepted, the Accepted Tasks filter will show.



Select the Reusable Task to view its details, and notice how the number of uses has been updated as the Task is run.


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Select Reuses to view the details for each reuse, as well as which pilot used the Task. It is also possible to filter or search this list.





A non-reusable task shows similar information for the single use.


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A pilots Task view will update accordingly, until no outstanding Tasks are available: 
















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