Bug Reports
How to submit a good bug report Pinned
- Jim McAndrew
- Edited
Issue with payment
- Ren
Import boundary points kml error
- Meghan Pietila (Merlin's Moonlight)
DJI AIR 2S, mission interrupted: "Error stopping camera capture."
Mavic Mini 3 no sigue plan de vuelo
- Pablo Taladriz
Orbit App Bug
- Jacob Keith
DJI Mini 3 Intelligent Flight Battery Plus Issue
- Curt Collins
Dronelink crashed my drone! Altitude error on Terrain Follow at take off. Please help!
- Justin Wickham
Downgrade 5.0.2. to older version
- Benjamin Novillo Linares
DJI Mini 3 Pro - odd & dangerous behaviour with flight plan
- Lukas Döhring
- Diego Alejandro Triana Ospitia
small bug
- Tony Simek
Preciso fazer voo
- Karina Zimmermann
Mapping Inconsistency - Over-Covering vs Under-Covering (Time vs Distance setting)
- Daniel Snyder
- Edited
Mission History - Photos on Map Locations Anomaly
- Daniel Snyder
Mavic 3e and new DJI Dronelink issue
- Tony Simek
Drone gone crazy and app crashes
- Stefano Guadagno
Why do I get: Unable to take control- Unsupported execution engine: DJI (Onboard)
- Dirección ECOVIDA
Dronelink not working
- Kelly Parkinson
Irregular (wavy) flight path
- David Bowtell
Gimbal orientation failed
- Martin Reading
Problems on dji air 2 support
- Ivan Alvarez
- Edited
Cannot find my location via GPS when pick the takeoff point on android mobile app
- Jay Kim
dronelink doesn't work properly on my RC pro
- juan carlos mazzone guerrero
voo manual
- anselmo lucio
App wont load on my Iphone
- Mark Sixel
Mission Map Missing on IPhone 15 Pro Max
- Alan Jeffries (Angry Warrior)
Drone link não abre a missão offline
- Bruno dos Santos Medeiros
Flight path is missing
- José Henrique Kahl
Air 2s No longer connecting to Dronelink
- Daniel Snyder
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