General Discussion
Please read this before posting! Pinned
- Jim McAndrew
- Edited
Voting for feature to allow Mavic Mini to take automated HDR images and panos
- Andrew Busst
Custom Map Layers
- Brad
Customer support ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Jeff Ward
Takeoff straight up 7m to get Precision landing
- Hakon Lislebo
Construction Monitoring with Sub-249g Drones Flying Weekly Automated Missions - Magil Construction Use Case
- Jacob Rachniowski
What can be achieved with a mini2 & Dronelink
- Martin Reading
- Edited
'Twas the night before Christmas
- Barry Houldsworth
Follow Mode
- Martin Reading
OpenDroneMap Integration?
- Piero Toffanin
- Edited
Available Camera Components for DJI Mini 2 - I Made A List! UPDATED!
- Tor Lindberg
- Edited
Map component with smaller corner radius?
- Birkett
Mavic Mini + Dronelink fly away
- Nick Popowich
Difficulties of migrating from DJI Flay to DroneLink
- Gábor Bokrossy
Working out when drone can lock up and how to avoid it...
- Andrew Busst
Mapping recommended speed
- Antonio Jose Sinoga
Mapping and Photogrammetry
- Steven Caron
Mavic 2 Smart Controller buttons do not work
- Waa Productions
Mavic2 jerky waypoint issue solved at last!
- Parkgt
Configure elevation change settings between components on multi-component pano mission?
- John Brainerd
Set the exposure time manually when mapping
- Daniel Kaiser
Mini 3 - Mapping with Samsung A9+ ?
- Harry W
Difference between a waypoint and a checkpoint and how to install a checkpoint on a mission
- Yves Carpentier
Mapping with mini 2
- Martin Reading
3D Mapping
- Erik Ford
unable to take control
- Macmillan Gudza
Mapping loses control - Pro 3 with RC-N1, Samsung Galaxy Tab E
- Dan Boyt
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Current version number in download area
- Andy Clay
Mission Estimates
- Mike (Arizona Wyldwest)
- Edited
where to start?
- Damian
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