Need to Mass Update 40 Waypoints?

Daniel Snyder

I have 40 Waypoints in a Mission Plan.  I can select 2 of them and change some of the settings - like speed or gimbal.  Once I select 3 waypoints these settings are no longer in view and have disappeared.      How can I select multiple or all Waypoints in a plan and mass update their values?


Doing them manually 1 by 1 is far too tedious for the 40 Waypoints in my plan.






  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I got up to 5 before they disappeared

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    The most likely scenario is that some of the waypoints you are selecting are different in a way that makes multi-editing incompatible.  Can you share the plan and I can take a look to see if I can identify what that is?

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Barry here's the one I got upto waypoint "E" on, come f most of the settings such as gimbal vanished


  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Martin Reading

    For waypoint F you have settings already established for the gimbal.

    If you delete the gimbal setting in F then you can continue to include beyond F

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Hi Barry Houldsworth, so basically if a waypoint hasn't got "Vanilla" settings, you can't batch edit beyond it?


    That was just something i chucked together to see what Daniel Snyder was talking about

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Martin Reading

    I can't say that for sure.  All I can tell you is I use a lot of software where editing multiple items only works if things are the same, or things have not been touched. 

    I assume that's because the developers assume that if you already manually set a value then you did that for a reason and would not want to accidentally change it without realizing it.  

  • Comment author
    Daniel Snyder

    OK that intuitively makes sense but it would be great if the Architect (Jim McAndrew) would weigh in if that is the designed behavior.      I want to really pitch to allowing all selected Waypoints mass updatable, maybe with a popup warning if necessary), since making individual changes to several dozens or more Waypoints is very time inefficient and feels like the app is less than professional quality.

    My 2 cents!

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I believe Barry and Martin are correct. Best to not add any different values to them first. Just create and set up the plan with the defaults first. Then you should be able to select which ones you want to edit and change them all at once. Just a thought….. 


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    When the code sees multiple elements with mutually exclusive settings, such as some waypoints with gimbal attitudes, and others with POIs, it can’t render either option because if it only rendered one, it would be misleading and and it is unclear which one should be rendered. If it rendered the “wrong one” from the user’s perspective, and allowed you to edit it, then presumably it would have to delete the setting from the elements with the other option (destructive), and there would be no way for the user to realize it was happening.

  • Comment author
    Daniel Snyder

    Right,  This would be the desired behavior only when selecting and editing MULTIPLE waypoints.   Specifically - present all elements for editing - and just give a popup warning "Warning - you are changing elements on multiple waypoints".   A great productivity feature.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Moving to feature requests, but I am still not entirely sure what the expected behavior should be, or how to implement it without it being destructive.

  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I personally prefer the way it works today.  

    Today, if I have manually set a value such as a gimbal angle, I did that for a reason.  I would not like to perform a multi-edit and accidentally remove that without realizing it.  

    Anyone that is ctrl-clicking should know they are multi-editing. I don't think a message will make any difference there.

    But, if there is to be a warning it should be to warn you that you are overwriting values manually set - and then allow you to edit.  That could be a good worksaround.


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