Duplicating plan components

Julian Perry

I have been building a plan using a series of paths joined together so I can add height-controlled markers where necessary. It would be helpful if I could copy all the paths in the plan that I have created so far and paste them onto the end of the plan as a new component rather than do each path individually to build it to twice the size.

I'm aware that components can be imported from public repositories so is that my only option - to copy my plan to a public repository and then import it back to my own plan to add it on like a copy and paste?. I can't see any means to do that within my own plan.




  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    That's useful.

    I think I have grasped the relative merits of using 'Export/Import', 'Copy to Clipboard/Paste', and 'Duplicate'. Sometimes more than one of those will do the job in a particular plan.

    I'm just waiting for suitable weather to enact it, probably next week, and will post the resulting 3D model when it's done.

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    This is what I would like to duplicate rather than add each new path individually:

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Having looked at copying a public plan, it only imports the whole plan as a discrete entity and not as a 'bolt on' - or so it appears when I tried it.

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    You could try exporting that as a csv file, right click within your plan, select new component, scroll right to the bottom and select import and reimport the csv and position as you like

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Yup, that looks very promising! I will tinker with that, thanks

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Unless I’m misunderstanding you, Any component can be copied to clipboard then pasted from the clipboard into any plan. Also you can just click on the component in your plan and duplicate it as many times as you as want. Since it’s a separate component it can be moved where you want it. I know you can’t move an entire plan from another plan but this may help. Is there a reason you are not just making a continuous path instead of all the destinations ? If it was created as one continuous path you can copy that clipboard then past. Just curious. 

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Yes, but I needed to copy about 15 paths and 30 markers all at once rather than doing it one by one and I could see no way of doing that. Exporting a set of paths as a .dronelink file and then reimporting it as a new component has worked.

    For reference am I able to copy components after showing a list of them in the top left menu?

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Then just copy and paste where you want. Not sure why you aren’t doing one long path but it would be much easier to work with. Just some thoughts. 

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    It is one long path. If you start a flight plan using 'Waypoints'  you get just two waypoints and two markers so I have had to add about 15 new component paths to get part of the area I need covered, each one again just two waypoints and two markers. So to get the full area covered I need about 60 of these paths and exporting a set of 15 as a .dronlink file and then reimporting them as a single entity 3 times is the only reasonable option. Copying and pasting a single path 60 times is definitely not and I could find no way of copying all 15 at once - hence my original question.

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Here is what I mean:

    This is all you get when adding a waypoint path

    This is my plan as part of a grid. Which is easier - 60 duplications of a single path to add on or 3 imports of a set of 15 paths?

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Julian Perry,what you show in the first photo of your last post is a "Starter For", if you look to the right of waypoint "B" you'll see a + click on that and it will add another waypoint which you can drag to where you want it, another way of adding a new waypoint is right click where you want to add the new waypoint and select waypoint from the menu that appears.

    I suggest you take a look at this video:



  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    That will not produce the desired result as the attached image shows. Yes, I can add waypoints and have to then reposition them to make the gridlines straight but you get curved ends that will not give the best images for my 3D model. Also for each few added waypoints I need to add markers for altitude and edit those - all very slow. This is how I made the first 15 rows.

    But, as I have explained, exporting a set of 15 and reimporting it three times is enormously faster to complete about 60 tracks. Doing it your way I would lose the will to live.


  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    go into the waypoint settings, change the pathing to rounded corners and the corner radius to 1, you don't need to add markers for altitude for each waypoint, the altitude set at the start applies to the full path

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    you don't need to add markers for altitude for each waypoint, the altitude set at the start applies to the full path

    I believe he wants to add AGL markers, in which case you do need to keep putting them along the path to get terrain follow. At the end of the day there is no easy way to do this, which is why we created the terrain follow feature in Maps.

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    That's right and because it's a one-off job for a friend I can't justify the cost of upping the subscription to allow for terrain following, especially if after say just one month of increased membership, the plans become unusable.

    While it's possible to sharpen the corners of the path, that's another tier of detailed adjustment and so makes the construction of my plan even longer. The exporting and importing option helps enormously and my plan is now done. Whether I get a good model needs to be seen :)

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I understand Everyone has their reasons for setting up a plan the way they want it. Whatever works best for you.

    I just created a new plan from scratch. Added a path component and set curve to straight. Added waypoints and made a four run path. Added 2 AGL markers on each run. Once done I copied to clipboard once and added two more of that path setup for twelve rows. Now there is a smaller four path plan with ability to copy as many as needed. You can build a 2 row, 3 row, 4 row plan etc. then add how many you need on it. This way you will have a smaller plan for smaller areas which can be added into very easily. You can still adjust the path spacing and length easily to fit your needs. I did this in about 5 minutes. Many ways to set up a plan. Just another way which is quick, easy and can work. Also won’t need to start and stop at so many destinations and path starts. Enjoy Julian. 

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    That's the beauty of this software, if you go digging you  can normally come up with several ways of doing the same thing.

    I'm using the beta web app most of the time at the moment and some things are done slightly differently in that, than in the standard web app which makes life interesting.

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    That is the principle behind what I have been doing but with rounded corners and using export and import. I can copy the whole plan but so far have not found out how to paste it back again.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Amazing possibilities. 🤙🏼

  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Mike, can you clarify what you meant by copying to the clipboard - "Once done I copied to clipboard once". The only 'copy' op[eration I have found is to allow a copy to a repository as a discrete and new plan (as in grabs below). The only other option while working on a plan is the 'duplicate' option that produces a copy of a selected component in the plan and places it on top of the item for subsequent moving (see next image). Maybe that undertakes a copy to clipboard and a paste all in one operation?





  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Julian, give this a watch to see about copying to clipboard


  • Comment author
    Julian Perry

    Will do, thanks. Meanwhile using a longer path with more waypoints and only duplicating twice means a lot less clutter :)


  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    That looks a lot better

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Julian. Once you copy to the clipboard, you just add new component and paste? It works good because you can place the next destination component where you want it. Duplicate will work just as well too as long as you have the center pin layer turned on so you can move that next path where you want. The nice thing about clipboard is you can paste any copied components you have in there into any other plan. As stated by Martin and myself, it all comes down to what each pilot prefers as there can be many ways. Enjoy. 

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    The other beauty of having components on the clipboard, is that clipboard is on the Dronelink server not on your pc, so if you turn your pc off and come back at a later date, anything you've placed on the clipboard will still be there, or accessible from any other pc or device when you sign into your account, until you delete it from the clipboard

  • Comment author
    Martin Reading Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Look forward to seeing it

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    The clipboard is fantastic. Pasting any component I have in there into a different plan is very handy and quick. I have a few basic Orbits and path plans I created with different, altitudes, size etc. I just open one, copy and then paste into another plan. 1-1/2 years with a lot of flight time and still a lot of functions settings and features I haven’t tried. Enjoy the possibilities. 


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