Air2s Gimbal failure.
I have used my Air2s several times for mapping missions, just recently i started getting a gimbal error. Not sure what im doing wrong, here is the latest missions i tried that failed.
I have used my Air2s several times for mapping missions, just recently i started getting a gimbal error. Not sure what im doing wrong, here is the latest missions i tried that failed.
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Having the same issue on Air 2s and Mavic Air 2. Here is link to a mission from Air 2s.
Here is a link to Mavic Air2 mission from today. Only way around was manually moving gimbal to -90.
Both links invalid….
Can you confirm that v3.3.2 fixes the issue (available in beta)?
Hi everyone. Sadly the mapping feature has become useless in recent times for me, having the A2s and Android phone. A 10 min mission will take almost twice the time since mission is interrupted many times. Also, now I have the crooked gimbal problem, and some other random and weird behavior of the drone. I did a lot of calibration and nothing seems to help. Is this a problem front DJI's side or you are having problems to identify the reasons of those issues in DL?
It'd be great to have the functionality we once had with the app. Let me know if I can be of any help. Best
There are several DJI bugs that we tried to compensate for in the 3.3.2 beta. Have you tried it?
Yes, I'm in 3.3.2 (2195) / kernel 3.3.1
Can you please be more specific about what issues you continue to see in 3.3.2. Other users have reported that the gimbal errors are corrected but the drift is still there.
Main problem is the crooked gimbal and the constant interruptions with the "Camera Start Capture Failed". I will upload the screen capture as soon as I find a good wifi. Thanks Jim
Jim McAndrew is the 'bug' related with firmware updates from dji?
same- same problem it starts then craps out gimble error or camera capture error
Jim, please check this screen capture si you can have an idea of the issues I've been having. Thanks
You are not on build 197.
Does that means I need to download the production version 3.3.2, not the beta version?
197 is the latest beta version.
Is beta 2197 the same as 197?
Im still getting the same error with the beta.
Yes. There were multiple issues being addressed in this thread, which one(s) are you still seeing?
Hi, Gimbal error before start the mapping
Are you on the latest firmware?
No. Is it requiered?
Ok, thx. Gonna try it
After the firmware update everything worked flawless. And btw the turnings between lines is much smoother then before.
Thank you.
PS. I was using an dji air2s and Android 11 (with dronelink beta v197)
PS2. Mission plano:
Joao, by the 'firmware' update are you referring to the dronlink 197 beta version and how do I find that version.
Also, can you tell me what you are using for the DJI app? Thank you!
bryan nyhof Hi!
Well by firmware update i was referring to the air 2s latest firmware!
For the dronelink beta app go here ->
Firmware is updated and I've uploaded the beta version... which I may already have had.
the link gives you 3.3.2(2198)Kernel 3.3.1 for dronelink
dji air2s now has 02.04.1691
Am I on the right track?
Bryan, you should check other link you started. You need to use DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drone Series) software on a PC and update the firmware or refresh it. I think the version your using is the old one which had issues.

Link to DJI download website:
Thank you. I'm going to download this link again on a different computer and see if I can update the firmware. Thanks!
still just the same 'server error'.
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