During a plan my Mavic Air 2 does not take 48mp photos

Marcus Woodward

During a flight plan the photo only takes 9mp photos.  I would like it to be changed to the highest possible quality which is 48mp.  How can I get this setting changed in the Dronelink app?




  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Should not be taking 9 mp. Default is 12 mp. Anyway, Use the command - Camera Photo Type “High Resolution” The MA2 uses this type to achieve 48 mp photos. 

  • Comment author
    Mike Liggett


    This is an old comment but confirming for my Mavic 3E.  Similarly I have the mapping mission set to photo type single and I am only getting 9mp.  If I select the photo type High Resolution, I should get the 12 mp I am accustomed to seeing with my wide lens when flying missions on the DJI Flight App?  Does this High Resolution impact any other settings?



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