Gimbal error air 2s

Makis Karvounis


I am trying to run a mission with DJI Air 2S and when I hit run after 5  to 10 seconds it gives me a Gimbal error and stops the mission.

Any ideas how can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance




  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Can you Share the plan please.

  • Comment author

    Hi Dronelink Staff =)

    today i used for the first time dronelink with my Air 2s and i received the following messages:

    "Gimbal Orientation Failed: • Please try again by tapping the play button. • If it happens a second time, try restarting the drone. • If it keeps happening, you may need to reorder/remove this component or make it not required. Gimbal Orientation | Pitch -65° ∠ Path | Gimbal Unavailable"

    and after some parameters changes i got a similar messages:

    "Gimbal Orientation Failed: • Please try again by tapping the play button. • If it happens a second time, try restarting the drone. • If it keeps happening, you may need to reorder/remove this component or make it not required. Gimbal Orientation | Pitch -65° | Gimbal Unavailable"


    "Gimbal Orientation Failed: • Please try again by tapping the play button. • If it happens a second time, try restarting the drone. • If it keeps happening, you may need to reorder/remove this component or make it not required. Gimbal Orientation | Pitch -90° | Gimbal Unavailable"

    please, i would like to know how can i share the tsv file with the support team so i can overpass this issue.

    Best regards


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    If you are getting Gimbal Unavailable then it means there is something wrong with the drone.

  • Comment author

    ok. thanks for your quick answer.

    I used dronelink to manual flight and i was able to take pictures and change the gimbal pitch manually.

    please can you help me figuring if there was anything that i did wrong when configuring the mission?

    can i send you the tsv file, please?

    best regards

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    You can share your mission plan.

  • Comment author

    Hi Jim, sorry for late reply.

    This is  my mission (i have an Elite 2020 Plan) with three different attemps (change some parameters each time):

    thanks a lot

    best regards

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    It looks like you changed the channel to 1:

    The Air 2S only has one camera (channel 0) so you should leave it at 0 (the default).

  • Comment author
    Makis Karvounis

    Did you find solution on this problem?

    If not let me know.

  • Comment author

    Hi Jim and Makis,

    thanks a lot for the answer.

    I was out and only during week i will try to configure the channel to 0 and see what happens.

    Soon i will share results.

    Thanks a lot for your concern and support.

    All the best.

  • Comment author
    Reinaldo Gómez Castillo


    Tengo el mismo problema y esta configurado en el canal 0. Estoy usando un Mavic Air2s. saco fotos y tomo videos sin problemas cambiando orientación y angulo.

    va el plan y foto del los mensajes

    Saludos y Gracias



  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    You aren't on the latest firmware.

  • Comment author

    Hello to all,

    sorry but i forgot to reply.

    Since i started to use channel 0 it started to work correctly.

    Thanks a lot for all support and help.

    Best regards

  • Comment author
    Reinaldo Gómez Castillo

    Correcto Jim. despues de leer los foros actualice Firmware y esta solucionado.

    saludos y gracias


  • Comment author
    Mariano Negri

    hola, tengo el mismo problema, firmware de dron actualizado, version en android dronelink 4.4.2 (238) /kernel 4.4.2.

    y en la pc (donde realizar el plan) dice dronelink 4.4.1 /kernel 4.4.2.

    que puede ser?

  • Comment author
    Mariano Negri

    aclaro, comienza el plan, cuando esta en punto de partida baja a 90ª el gimbal y luego sale el mismo mensaje que lei en comentarios anteriores. agote las 3 baterias intentando y no funciono.


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    What is the firmware version on your drone?

  • Comment author
    Mariano Negri

    Air 2s 02.04.2500 (ya estaba)
    Control 04.12.0100 (recien actualice)

  • Comment author
    Mariano Negri

    Recien probé un plan de 4 minutos, lo realizo bien. Estaba a menos de 50 metros del dron, en el que fallo hoy estaba a mas de 500 metros, puede ser ka distancia desde control punto de inicio?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    It is possible for the commands to time out if you have poor signal. I tested the Air2S with that firmware version today and there were no issues.

  • Comment author
    Mariano Negri

    Consulte con otros usuarios y es una falla aleatoria, la señal estaba fuerte

  • Comment author
    Cristian Brogle

    hi, I tried severl times and I have the same problem. the signal is perfect. and the frimware is ok.

    please help. I gow in one week again to make these pattern. these flight is in the chilean patagonia. please help. thanks

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Please copy the same mission to somewhere near your current location and let us know if you can reproduce the issue. We did the same thing and did not see any issues.

  • Comment author
    Cristian Brogle

    ok! thanks a lot, i tri it tomorow


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