Beta that supports Autel EVO 2 Pro

Paul Waitzman

Hello - I'm told that there is a Beta version of Dronelink that supports Autel EVO 2 Pro.

If i sign up for a premier or elite plan, would I have access to that Beta version?





  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    I saw the updated version to include Autel Evo II. I use an IOS device so if using that then just install the TestFlight App from App Store. I’m Just guessing it’s available for Android devices too so either from Google play store or download the APK.

    Here is a link for either one.


  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman

    Hey Mike. Where did you see the updated version that includes Autel Evo II.

    I have not yet signed up for a dronelink plan yet - I want to determine which plan to sign up for first, if I can. Apparently you can't see what beta versions are available without signing up for a plan? A catch 22 kind of thing.



  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    You can purchase a plan and upgrade any time for just the additional cost. As the link states, you must have a paid account to use Beta. DL has fantastic support and if you are not satisfied they can refund money of within 30 days for a one time payment plan. I hope this helps and I’m curious to hear how the Evo II works. I’m sure it will be great if it’s DL. Good luck.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff
    • Edited

    The Autel support is in Elite and higher right now.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    There you go Paul. Right from the source. I’m sure since it was just released is why it’s not listed in pricing yet . Good to know. 🤙🏼

  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman

    I give it a try!!  Thanks.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Please be very careful. This is the very first build with support for this vendor.

  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman

    OK Thanks, Jim!  Perhaps I'll work with it on the bench for a while. I'm interested camera command sequences. For pano and exposure bracketing.

    How can we track progress?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Camera commands (beyond mode and start/stop capture) aren't supported yet, so the only real testing to be done here is flight behavior.

  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman
    • Edited

    Noticed something right off. With the controller on and the dronelink running, i see the camera controls (3 sliders below the trigger button) but when i power up the drone, i no longer see the camera controls. and when i powered off the drone, i again see the camera controls. Did i miss something? 

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff
    • Edited

    Like I said, most camera commands aren't implemented yet.

  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman



  • Comment author

    Hey Jim, can you tell me if both EVO II Pro's V1 & V2 will be supported?

    Thanks in advance! I'll be upgrading either way as I have both models. Really looking forward to using Dronelink again.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Both should work.

  • Comment author

    Thanks for that information. Is there some special instructions for getting the drone connected for the first time?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    It is on iOS only right now.

  • Comment author
    Andrew Busst

    Autel is doing some great things with their Lite Series of Drones the Lite+ is even a competitor in some aspects with the Mavic 3 so I would expect sales of Autel to increase. Do you see Dronelink ever being available for the Lite series and if so any rough time frame?  Thanks 

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    They don't have a version of the SDK that supports those drones yet.

  • Comment author
    Paul Waitzman
    • Edited

    Has anyone logged flight time with this beta?


  • Comment author

    Jim, is there an basic list of requirements for the beta and maybe some specifics of what specific functionality is available in the current version. I dug up an older iPhone 7+ IOS 15.3.1 that I am using. I was able to connect to the drone and start the props, but that was about I could accomplish. I created a quick little mission that I attempted to fly. When trying just about anything the app is exiting. When I tried to fly the new mission that I created, I did not have mobile service active on this phone, so I connected to wifi on my other device & downloaded the mission. When trying to start the mission the app is exiting. I may be trying functions that have not been implemented yet, so knowing what is implemented could be helpful.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    The requirements for the mobile device are the same (it is the same app for Autel and DJI), and your device is listed on the legacy device list.

    As far as functionality, it is as I stated before:

    Camera commands (beyond mode and start/stop capture) aren't supported yet, so the only real testing to be done here is flight behavior.

  • Comment author

    And when you say flight behavior, are you referring to "manual" or "autonomous" flight or both? Should I be able to plan a mission on the web app and fly that mission regardless of what the camera does or doesn't do? Should the "on the fly functions" modes & missions work?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    And when you say flight behavior, are you referring to "manual" or "autonomous" flight or both?

    Both, but mainly automated missions.

    Should I be able to plan a mission on the web app and fly that mission regardless of what the camera does or doesn't do?

    Yes, but if you add camera commands that aren't supported (beyond mode and start/stop capture), the mission will fail.

    Should the "on the fly functions" modes & missions work?


  • Comment author
    Daniel Hubbard

    I am very interested in getting this app for the automated things that I have been wanting from autel to build into their app, my contact has told me that this app supports curves between waypoints I am also wondering if it also has a Orbit Mission option to be able to set a center point.  then outer point and save those.   mainly I do a job every 2 weeks that I need to do a orbit on and they would like the videos to  basically be in the same spot so they can see updates.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I am also wondering if it also has a Orbit Mission option to be able to set a center point.  then outer point and save those

    Yes, this is how Orbit mode works. You can learn more about all the Dronelink functionality here:

    mainly I do a job every 2 weeks

    Please keep in mind that this is a beta. We do not recommend using it in a production environment.

  • Comment author
    Daniel Hubbard

    Ok Cool, and from the tutorials it looks like I can save this Orbit Mission to go back again each time and run it over and over.  another question while it is doing the orbit mission,  do i have control of the gimbal in case i need to change the angle of the camera while it is doing the orbit?     Since y'all don't  recommend using it in a real job.  is there a timeline when the app for autel will be ready to go live? 

  • Comment author
    Daniel Hubbard

    Also part time I do construction update jobs from some online companies maybe 3-4 a month, its just me. most the time the Autel Explorer app does the job I need it to do except in a few cases like the Orbit Missions and Curves between waypoints.   What plan would be the best for me to be able to test out the Beta App for the Autel 2 Pro 6K

  • Comment author
    Daniel Hubbard

    do i need to buy the basic hobbisty plan to be able to check out the beta?   Is there a timeline when the beta is going to be live... trying to figure out the least expensive way to do this since i basically just want to use 1 function out of this app at the moment.

  • Comment author
    Daniel Hubbard

    I use IOS to fly the EVO 2 Pro, but OUCH pretty pricey to just test out and use a orbit function and then can't even use it for Commercial jobs unless you pay a monthly fee that's pretty steep just to get a orbit mission that saves.  I already use the waypoints and the mission record option in the EVO 2 Explorer app for alot of jobs not sure if i want to pay monthly for 1 feature.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    The beta is for people that are interesting in helping us push the product forward, not for getting early access to pre-release features.


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