Jerky movements in Dronelink mission compared to flying manually with Mavic Air 2
I have a mavic air 2. I've flown 3 or 4 missions using dronelink, all went well except that there were many small jerks in video throughout the mission. I tried just flying manually with virtually no jerks when doing similar turns. Is there a setting in dronelink that can eliminate this problem? Thanks
Virtual stick can cause issues like you describe which is caused by the delay between calculating the stick movement and sending it to the drone. Things that will make this worse include:
One way to solve this can be to use onboard components, where the mission is uploaded to the drone which means no delay, but I don't believe that is an option for the Air 2.
Hi Norman. Curious what device is being used. I use a iPad Mini 5 and on a rare occasion my iPhone 8 Plus with my MA2 and Mavic Mini. I’ve had no jerky video feed. My observations over the last that year is that a device which is not powerful enough can have many issues running DL. If possible maybe try an iPhone or IPad if available to see if it works. Jim posted that link which is helpful to explain what all the other causes may be. Good luck….
I've tried it on both an Iphone 11 and an Ipad6 with the same results. From the research I did It seemed that these would be fast enough, both have 2+ gh processors.
There are many other things listed in the article I sent.
Understood Norman. Should work good with those devices. Jim gave that link which has many other possible causes.
Can you share the plan which this was happening. If it’s not doing it when flying manually with DL app then it could be something in the plan. I can run your mission with my MA2 and see how it works. Maybe this will help give us an idea on what the problem may be.
i would appreciate it, not sure I know ow to share with you
Click on the three dots, select share, follow the instructions and use the viewer option.
Did that work, I can also put corresponding videos on google drive and send you a link if that would be helpful?
You would need to post the URL generated here for us to see.
In these comments?
tried copying link and pasting in these comments but there is no paste option?
Sorry I was not getting it copied.Now I got it
BTW I checked list and as far as I can see none apply. Other than mission plan.
I took a quick look and, TBH, it's not clear what the objective of the mission is. You have a number of different POIs, different gimbal actions, different interpolation modes. All of these could be causing what you consider to be a "jerky movement" even when running a simulation. This all leads me to believe that the drone is doing exactly what it is being told to do. When I first started as a developer someone once told me "Computers don't do what you want them to do, they do what you tell them to do"
You will have to work through the various options to figure out what is causing issues at the points you see as problems. Because DL is so full-featured, there are a lot of them, and without more info on what you expect the result to be, I can't really help.
For me to help further, I would have to invest time with you going over your needs step by step, and that isn't something that I can do for free I'm afriad. If you wanted to hire me to review that with you on a video call, we can do that.
Thanks I appreciate the help.I was just trying to fly perimeter of property and learn to use DL. I'll play around with it. It's good to know that I'm the problem and not the equipment. I also have Litchi and haven't had a chance to try it. I'll compare the two and hopefully learn something. Thanks again.
No problem! I have used both systems extensively - in fact, many of the official Litchi tutorials (under the Phantom Filmschool) were created by me.
These days I almost exclusively use DL. Litchi is great as a basic tool and is therefore often simpler to learn, but DL has so much more functionality that I don't even bother with Litchi anymore as I find it restrictive, particularly since DL added onboard components.
Keep using it and playing with options and hopefully, you will figure it out.
Will do
I thought I'd provide a little feedback. My problem with jerky video turned out to be too much speed, reduced to 8mph and 99% of jerking disappeared on same missions rerun. The problem with blurred maps it seems was either speed or camera settings. Weather didn't permit numerous flights using one parameter change at a time, so I reduced speed to 8mph and with camera set to auto again I added -3 ev to increase shutter speed and reran same missions with no problems.Thanks to all who provided assistance. I'd appreciate anyone referring Me to an example of camera settings using a component added to mission. I assume it would be a list?
Would this be correct to set camera mode and modify exposure?
That should work but -2.7EV is pretty dark.
Great, mostly concerned about format, levels can be worked out. Thanks
Hi Barry,
I have read the posted article and this thread in its entirety. I appreciate how helpful you are being here.
I am having what I think is the same issue. Trying to do a simple birdseye top down (-90gimbal) view of a building and transition out and down to a front facing shot of the building entrance. I don't have a mission to share as I just deleted all my testing to clean up my account for a job this week. I'm using the DJI smart controller so I'm wondering if you have heard of that causing problems. I know its is a poor choice/low performance tablet but that is what I bought and I have not purchased a seperate controller (which I would have known better). I'm using on the fly path and the mission only has 2 waypoints. I'm using all the advanced settings and reducing the speed to 2mph so it's really slow. I'm also choosing curved. As you know MA2 doesn't support onboard wpts so after all this reading I'm thinking it might be the controller.
If I post a mission here would you be able to fly it? If you have a smooth drone and video I could rule out user error and go with the assumption it's the controller.
I'll be flying some test missions tomorrow before the shoot on Tuesday.
My hope was to take a lot of the manual flying out of the day but as of now.... this quality won't pass.
Eric Pokorny
Feel free to post it. If I can find time I will do so but I have a number of paid jobs already in the works for this week, so I don't know how quickly I could get to it. Please tag me if you do (use the @ sign) so that I know you did.
BTW - a suggestion - don't delete missions, just create a repository and move them all into that to get them out of the way.
If you already flew the mission then you can always just copy the mission plan out of your mission history list.
Good point, Jim.
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