Failed: Ground Elevations Not Available

Scott W

Have run a specific mission successfully multiple times in last couple days, including earlier today.  Note that the mission does contain some AGL references, and those have been working just fine.

But I launched the mission this afternoon and got "Mission Failed", "Ground Elevations Not Available" almost immediately.

Restarted drone, controller, and mobile device.  No difference.  Edited plan (changed AGL references by 1ft just to change something).  No difference -- same error.

What would cause ground elevations to be "not available" when launching the mission? 




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    This means that the web-app was not able to cache all the necessary ground elevations during mission planning. Can you share the mission plan that is having the issue? 

  • Comment author
    Scott W
    • Edited

    Unfortunately, I already updated the Plan -- or more specifically, components used in the plan.  There were (2) components with AGL references, so I changed those to use ATL and then updated the plan's linked components.  It worked successfully after that.

    I opened one of the failed "Mission" files (not the plan, but the Mission), chose "Copy", and copied it to a new repository.   Never opened that new plan or updated it, just loaded it in the native app and ran it.  And it worked fine.  No errors.

    So I guess I'll go back and change the component references to AGL again, and see what happens.  If I can eventually reproduce the problem, I'll try to keep the plan/components unchanged until you have a chance to review it.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    You should be able to find it in your recent missions list.

  • Comment author
    Scott W

    "Finding" it isn't the problem.  I "found" 3 missions, all of which failed with the "ground elevations not available" error in my list of recent missions.

    But when I "copy" one of those to a new plan, make no changes, and load that new plan into the native client -- the new mission succeeds, without any errors.

    What would explain that?


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