Dronelink Purchase Plans


Do all Dronelink Hobby purchase versions include normal and expert modes for planning.

I am looking to use capture speed settings.






  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Hi Kevin. You would need a Professional plan to utilize the capture speed with the mapping component. If you look at the pricing structure it will show what is included in each plan. No Hobbyist plans include Expert mapping.


  • Comment author

    Thank you for the info Mike.

    I am using Litchi now and trying to decide if I want to buy Dronelink Hobby Premium Plan and trying to be sure what I get in that plan. I have looked at the compare page, I'm just not sure what the function is of all the listings.

    Thank again.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I Would suggest getting the Hobbyist Elite version for advanced mapping if this is something you will use a lot to create 2D and 3D Ortho’s. It has the grid pattern and oblique angles (gimbal pitch) adjustment which the Premium does not. Otherwise you will only be able to fly normal pattern mapping with the gimbal at -90°. More advanced planing and mission components as well as flight log integration. Maybe that will help decide. Ask if any further assistance is needed and someone can help. Good luck.


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