DEM (Digital Elevation Map) importing feature
Is there a way to upload a DEM and be able to plan an AGL mapping fligth over it instead of the ESRI elevation info that DRONLINK uses?
This feature will be handy in mining sites where the ground is constantly changing.
Im a mapper plan user and i would love to see this feature available.
This feature is on the roadmap, but it will probably only be in the Starter and Growth plans.
Nice, alredy voted for it!
Hope to see it soon.
Thanks! and keep the hard work, you've got a really nice platform.
How many votes does it take to get this approved? Having to rely the ESRI 30m DEM in steep topography while using terrain following has proven to be a nightmare, for me at least.
I'm sure the availability of importing more high resolution DEMs/DTMs is an important goal for dronelink. Few applications import H-R DEMs and it would surely make the application very widespread and in demand in the field of photogrammetry
It is definitely something we want to get to, but we have been busy on other things.
This feature would be so important to be able to plan profesionnal fligths.
Is any date for that?
This feature is not currently prioritized and even if it was, we don’t do release date estimates:
Thanks Jim.
If anyone interested in this feature has software dev experience and wants to help make this happen, much of DL is open source and we are happy to work with external contributors:
Any updates on this one? Agreed with previous comments, this would be extremely powerful.
I’m sure it would be announced here as the above link about the product roadmap states.
We will post an update here when there is something to say.
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