Mission keeps failing at the red circle...

Reuben M Marcus

So disappointed... I tried this mission three times and all three times it failed after it reached the approach on the way back to do the path in the red circle.. 


Any idea why it would be failed in the red circle? Can you please look at my mission and tell me if you think I’m doing anything wrong? I believe the error was 'mission failed too far off course'... this is with a Mavic Mini and this happened three times and there was very low wind at least down where I was at... the wind at 100 and 200 feet was very light also, according to UAV only around 15 miles an hour gusts...




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Winds aloft, particularly in coastal areas can be very different, even just a few hundred feet away from a "calm" area, particularly when you fly past a point like that. 15 mph gusts are not "light" for a mavic mini.

    Having said that, the programmed speed (30mph) is insanely fast for any drone, not just the mavic mini, and not just over the ocean. I highly doubt your drone got anywhere close to that speed. You need to slow it way down, as discussed here.

  • Comment author
    Reuben M Marcus

    Great! thanks for that information Jim, I will lower the speed and try again...


  • Comment author
    Reuben M Marcus


    The max speed of 30 mph is only from take off to the approach, on the approach the max speed is set for 20 mph... for the rest of the path.... shouldn't this be fine? The mission wasn't failing going out to the approach, only after the approach started (heading back, in the red circle)....

    Any other tidbits of help would be appreciated, I would certainly love to fly this mission....  I can try another day with no wind as well...


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    20mph is still really fast, especially for that drone. I would start with 5 or 10.

  • Comment author
    Reuben M Marcus

    Hi Jim - thank you...

    Can I leave the fast speed from take off to approach and on the approach marker, lower to 10mph?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    You just need to experiment.

  • Comment author
    Reuben M Marcus

    OK, thank you my friend!


  • Comment author
    Reuben M Marcus

    Hi Jim,

    I successfully ran this mission today from a different take off point closer to ground level and with the much lower speed

    I posted it on the Dronelink Facebook page in case you’re interested in seeing it it came out very well

    thank you for all your help


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff



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