Restriction zone.
Wondering what the thought behind the Restriction zone is? The Restriction zone seem to only apply to the Approach and there are other ways to avoid known obstacles or areas.
Am I missing some other utility of this function or is it just a easier way/enhancement? I guess it does serve as a reminder when building the mission.
It was created for safe resume behavior.
We recently released the "simulator" feature we have been using internally for a while if you want to test resuming in the browser (just hit pause and drag the drone wherever you want to simulate resuming from):
Ok, I see my error; it applies to Destinations rather than an Approach. The rationale is apparent now. Neat!
Is altitude Relative to TO Location the only option planned?
Want to get to AGL for them but had to get these released.
I have not quite had the breakthrough in thinking that @Parkgt has.
These are two transmitter masts, with 0-120m max-min. How come my drone will fly into them?
The only component type that supports r zones right now is destination.
That seems like a strange decision, but then I’ve never really understood why "Destination" is a relevant concept within Dronelink. My "Destination" for most flights is, ultimately, to return to where I started - I don't want to lose my drone. It seems that Dronelink has a concept of "destination" = "get to mission start point".
You should watch this video to learn more about Destination components. We definitely want to extend support of restriction zones to other component types but we had to start somewhere, and starting at Destination allowed us to implement much more robust and safer resuming behavior for certain use cases involving close inspection around structures. Path component is probably going to be one of the last component types to get support because the flight path is, by definition, defined explicitly by the mission planner, as opposed to other types of components like Map and Facade (and Destination of course) where Dronelink auto-calculates the flight path. Map and Facade will be much more complicated to implement properly, and the resuming behavior doesn't use these component types so they are lower priority, at least in terms of getting v1 of this feature shipped.
Thanks for the rapid response, and for the recommendation. I did watch the video, and it served to highlight my difficulty with the concept. This looked like a single path, with a possible action at each waypoint, rather than anything to do with a "destination" (or for that matter, three destinations).
Perhaps it will become much clearer to me as I continue to experiment with the software...
Thanks again - I appreciate the response.
Destination is meant to be a simple "fly from point a to point b" type of thing. Point A being where the drone currently is and Point B being the destination. Since you can have multiple components in any mission plan, that means you can use them to fly to multiple destinations in a single mission.
Late to the discussion, I've searched through the forum and this post seems to be closest to my question.
Restriction or avoidance of object within the flight path.
My example would be more towards Construction Site, with a tall Crane & Horizontal arm. If you fly above crane which is recommended by basically all mapping apps, the crane or arm appears in multiple photos from various angles. When later stitching the photo set, the crane & arm produce small anomalies (fractional images) and if you remove the images with the crane the level of detail is degraded due to minimal overlap and number of images.
Thus flying mission under the Crane is ideal for images, but most do not support the DJI Object Avoidance and if they do, it's results in a canceled mission instead of navigating around the Cranes' Mast.
I was attempting to find if DroneLink had the ability to perform a grid (single or double) and avoid & navigate around restricted objects within the the Grid's mission. Ideally, if the ability to fly to object and select POI or GPS pts to mark accurately a POI to avoid and navigate around.
This essentially sounds like where the Restriction feature is developing?
We may add restriction zone support for Map and other component types, but for now it is on Destinations only. In the meantime, you need to position the boundary points of the map to make a hole around the obstacle.
Similar question to UAV ASAP LLC's comment above:
Would it be possible to draw some polygons on a map and assign an altitude to them, so that during the grid map the drone would climb or descend accordingly? So groups of obstacles like trees and changing elevation over a large area could be accounted for?
This is a feature request.
can someone let me know how do i add a restricted zone to one of my existing plans? I have a simple orbit setup and a large tree in the area, (testing purpose and learning) thank you
See my previous comment:
Thank you Jim, i am really enjoying this program and all the features it offers!
Thanks! We would be grateful if you left a 5-star review in the App Store (iOS | Android)!
Done! ;-)
I tried Restriction zone.
It would be nice when it could also work during RTH.
I flew a mission that was aborted because of "Too far Off Course"; I pushed the RTH button and then it flew over a Restriction zone. And that is exactly what I did not want.....
Thank you,
Kind regards,
Unfortunately that is never going to happen because we don't control RTH - it is executed onboard by DJI's firmware.
Thank you, Jim.
That's clear.
Jan Somers
In my own flying experience, RTH can be a cool feature, but try to avoid using it.
For selling drone products, this is a cool feature that will help sales.
However, in the actual flight, it is still necessary to control the whole flight as much as possible.
I'll only use RTH if I'm sure that it can be interrupted at any time or if it's 100% safe, otherwise I'll just have the drone hover there when it needs RTH.
Jim McAndrew
I appear in the post is because of the topic - Restriction zone.
It is a very necessary and useful function.
I need this feature when in some places, where framing is required, and there are also dangerous objects (such as UHV high-voltage wires).
Thank you for providing this easy-use function, and thank you for your discussion, which has taught me a lot, thank you.
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