Return to Home
I created a mission of a path "around the block" of my home, followed by a tracking shot left. I also set the "return to Home" option upon completion of the mission.
Everything worked fine, but for some strange reason the drone (Mavic Pro Platinum) does not return and land at the takeoff position - it just hangs in the air at the last way point of the Trucking shot?
I am missing a setting/option somewhere?
Can you share a link to the mission plan?
Are you running versin 1.1.0? Does it happen every time or just this once?
Version 1.01 (2044) according to app. It was the first time i flew this mission...will check again tomorrow...bit windy now🙁
Downloaded latest version and installed. Will try again tomorrow with new version.
Hi Jim
Tried the same mission again with the new version of the app, but unfortunately i have the same problem. Mission work perfectly, but no return to home at the end?
This morning created another more simple mission - just a short path also with a return to home upon completion.
As before. everything went fine, but no RTH when the mission finished. I then tested the manual RTH (button on controller) while still using the Dronelink App - drone returned to the take -off position, descended and then stopped at about 1m above the ground. I had to manually push down on the stick to land. This i tested twice and the same thing happened.
I then switched off and re-connected using the DJI Go4 app and tested the RTH button again - this time the drone returned to the take -off position and landed by itself.
So is there a difference in the RTH function between the Dronelink and DJIGo4 apps?
It sounds like there is either a bug and Dronelink is not sending the RTH command, or there is an issue with the Mavic Pro and it is not responding to the command. We have tested this extensively with many drone types including the Mavic Pro, but we can test the Mavic Pro again to make sure.
Dronelink uses the same RTH command that DJI Go uses (it is built in to the Drone's firmware). As for when it can activate precision landing:
Thank you for the feedback. I will then wait for your test result?
I also uploaded the test flight (simple one mentioned above) to Airdata, and in the Notifications Tab one can see that the RTH command was not given/received after the mission finished at flight time 1:46.. It was only at time 3:26 when i pressed the RTH button that the mode was changed to "go Home".
Just tested RTH on one of our test missions with a Mavic 2 Pro, and it executed perfectly. Can you share a link to your flight plan? Maybe it's something specific to your plan.
I'll share the simple mission created on Saturday to also test the RTH function (see previous post). The original one i shared was changed by someone and the changes reflected back on my original plan.
This mission triggers RTH for me. Starting to wonder if there is something wrong with your particular drone, or if its an issue with just the Mavic Pro Platinum.
I guess that we will only know if other Platinum users report the same issue.
Will the drone indicate the RTH process in the mission preview, or just stop at the last waypoint in the mission and then restart at the beginning again - as is happening with me?
I know it is not available at the moment, but can one not add a final destination point at the end of the mission, and then choose under the "achieved" section a RTH comnand?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure this problem out😎
No one else has reported it yet. We have a Mavic Pro to test with (not platinum), but I need to track it down. The previewer does not show the RTH behavior because it isn't technically part of the mission and there are several variables that it doesn't know about, such as the home location and potentially the RTH altitude. You cannot specify an RTH command directly as part of the mission right now because doing so would always cause the mission to disengage and we need to write extra code to handle resuming in this case.
Ok thanks Jim for all the advice and assitance...much appreciated. Wil try some more tests/ fault finding and let you know.
Hi Jim
Another quick question?
How can one know that the home takeoff position has been actually recorded, as with the DJIGo4 app that notifies (talks) to you that it has been recorded?
Just thinking about my RTH issue, is there a way to check the correct recording of the home position before the actual mission starts? Maybe it is an issue with when mission is completed...the drone does not now where home is (return to home command at last point in mission)
Dronelink displays the home point on the map.
Hi again
Just an update and some good news (hopefully). This morning i tried my same mission again, but this time i connected to the drone first via DJIGo4 APP, and waited for the notification that the home point has been set. Then switched over to the Dronelink App, took off to about 2m, and started the mission.
And this time the RTH worked. :)
So looks like i will have to perform this procedure to be sure it will RTH after the mission. Not really a problem...just takes a bit longer.
I might want to try adding a 5-10 second wait command at the very start of your Dronelink mission to see if it helps.
Hi again Jim
Still having problems with this unfortunately.
I just tried a mission again (same simple one as mentioned above) and as stated earlier, first connected with the DJI GO4 app and waited for the "home point set" statement. Then loaded the Dronelink app and flew the mission - no problems and the drone performed the RTH perfectly.
While still connected with Dronelink, flew the same mission again, and this time the drone just stopped at the last point in the mission - no RTH??
There was one difference though: during the first flight a notification (with beeping sound) appeared that the mission has completed, and the drone performed the RTH. I think the beeping sound is to notify the person when the drone performs the RTH?
During the 2nd flight, the notification appeared again that the mission has completed, but no beeping occurred and the drone stayed at that position.
"Dronelink displays the home point on the map."
Should you actually see the home position ("H") on the dronelink app map insert screen, as i do not see that as in the DJIGo4 app (green "H" icon on map)?
If the drone has a home point recorded, then it will show that point as a purple house icon on the map in dronelink. If you don't see that then my guess is that is probably the issue.
It looks like the home point is recorded (purple house). I changed my mission slightly -rising slowly to about 10 m with the Automatic Orientation off (to simulate a precision takeoff), then a Wait command of 10 sec, and then continuing with the original mission. The purple house appeared on the map at the correct position.
But as before, the drone just stopped at the last way point - not returning to the Home position. For the life of me i cannot figure out why it sometimes works (starting the DJIGo4 app first) and other times not.
Guess i will just have to make the final way point close to the Take off position again, or wait for an option to be added to make the final drone command of a mission to perform a RTH...but as you and others said...that might be dangerous.
Hi Jim. I have been designing missions for the last couple weeks and when I view the mission in the mission preview it has started flashing between the color picture and a black page. Can't get it to stop long enough to see if my mission is going as planned. Any thoughts or have you run into this before? It has been perfect up until now.
Haven't seen that before, can you post more details in a new thread?
I have tried to view several missions on two different computers and I still get the flashing and black screen. While the mission is stopped it is a black screen but when I start, it flashes between black and the picture. This just happened a few days ago. Is there any way that I can send a short Iphone video of what is happening? Looks like it is a problem with my account since it is happening with all my computers.
Is it just one specific mission plan or all plans? What browser are you using? Have you tried a different browser?
It is all missions and all computers using Firefox . I even tried my other Dronelink account. Same results. I just tried viewing in Microsoft Edge and it seems to work fine. Must be something in the Firefox browser. Go figure??? Thanks for the recommendation. I'll use Edge until Firefox figures it out. If you want to see what it is doing, let me know and I'll send you a short IPhone video.
Definitely recommend using Chrome or Safari (our two primary testing environments).
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