<%= partial('partial-article-list-sections', {
id: 'category-' + category.id,
parentId: '#sidebar-article-navigation',
sections: category.sections,
activeCategoryId: activeCategoryId,
activeSectionId: activeSectionId,
activeArticleId: activeArticleId,
partial: partial
}) %>
<% }); %>
Just copy and paste your path component and use the rotate control to rotate it 180 degrees.
And show us a link showing its success :-)
Ide like to try that one too
@Jim, would you mind turning that into a step-by-step tut ? (DL is still a bit steep-by-steep for me...). Thanks. Pics are appreciated...
Just realized that it would need to be a rotate and flip. Your best bet will just be to put down a new path and make the waypoints how you want it.
Yea, i guess so... But couldn't this be integrated in the possible list of commands ? Just follow the existing path in reverse ? Sounds like the easiest solution to me.
Sounds like another roadmap item :)
ok then... keeping my fingers crossed.
I created a component myself - 'Return home and reset camera'
In there I set the height as 30metres and reset camera settings to what I would manually use. The benefit of this is that I don't need to worry about checking settings after running missions and change them to what I typically have.
I just drop it into a plan as the last point and select the location, knowing it will do everything I need. Then when I use the DJI Go 4 app my settings are the ideal for manually flying.
Thanks for sharing that. When doing mission preview, I don't see the drone coming home though... Something I miss ?
Is there a way I could try that component out in my missions ?
I would also like to see this implemented. In order to get to a particular subject to film, I have to go around certain peoples properties, go over power lines, etc. It would be really nice just reverse the return path so that all of those components are followed thus not having to worry about the particulars. Sure, I could just go up to max altitude and bypass all of the obstacles but part of the fun of Dronelink is watching it automatically change altitude and direction on its own. Plus, making a duplicate return path would add to the clutter of the interface while designing a mission.
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