mission(s) failed...
Ok, so I've watched all the vids, tried a bunch of setups, but still getting failed missions. I'm on a Mavic pro platinum and iOS. Set photo type to RAW and time-lapse (every 2 seconds). Posting my settings and one of the error messages. Thanks for any help...
PS : if there's any log I could post instead of the screenshots, that'd save some screen estate over here :)
The UI allows for combinations of invalid settings because it doesn't know what drone you intend to use with your mission. If you want select those combinations in the DJI GO interface, using commands will not let you get around the hardware limitations.
Even though in the settings i can select the precise type of my drone ?
You are selecting the camera, which for the mapping component instructs it how to calculate the GSD. We don't have a plan-level drone type selection yet, and even if we did it would still require a bunch of code to show/hide all the appropriate combinations of settings in the UI. It gets even more complicated when you think about allowing users to select multiple types of drones that should be allowed to run with a mission. The other approach is to update the issue detect to just include warnings for things that might be invalid combinations, but again, it takes a ton of work as you can imagine all the various combinations of drones and settings.
Ok, i can get that... So I fiddled around in the settings in the DJI GO interface, selecting single shots and RAW type, so this type I'm not getting camera related errors anymore. Guess that's a step forward. I do get another error now, which is the camera storage location (the SD card)...
- PS : couldn't the app load all the invalid combinations at launching the mission, and not alert us one by one ? It seems it just checks off every item on the mission list, aborting it but without letting us know of other errors until we launch the mission again. This is a bit tedious -
I made sure this time to reselect the SD card as storage in the DJI GO interface, even reformatting it. Idem ditto in DL. But this still didn't do the job.
Now there seems to be stg unclear in the DL settings : I had the "SD card" selected initially, but then what is the "Internal" option ? If it refers to the internal SD card storage, then what's the sense of "SD card"? I mean, AFAIK, there's no way to plug in an external SD card into the mavic pro platinum (or any other drone i suppose)...
"couldn't the app load all the invalid combinations at launching the mission"
The only way would be to run a sort of "verification mission" but for all the commands in the mission. It is theoretically possible to do such a mission, and sounds like a good idea to me - will add to the roadmap.
As far as the tedium, it's tedium no matter which way you slice it:
a) Tedious to perform all the camera settings manually in the Flight Dashboard or DJI GO menus
b) Tedious to create a set of components that perform all the commands automatically for your specific combination of hardware and mission requirements.
c) Tedious for us (the developers) to consider all the permutations of hardware and missions requirements.
At least in the case of B, once you go through the tedium once you can just re-use the component (and hopefully put it in a public repo for other people to use). This was the whole idea behind letting the community crowd-source the best/valid combinations of settings instead of making people rely on us / wait for us to implement each combination.
Some drones, like the Mavic Air, have internal storage, meaning if you forget to put an SD card into the slot you can save photos and videos to the internal storage (not removable) memory.
"Some drones, like the Mavic Air, have internal storage, meaning if you forget to put an SD card into the slot you can save photos and videos to the internal storage (not removable) memory."
Ok, but then I really don't get why I'm getting this error. For the MP Platinum doesn't have internal memory, only the SD card slot. If this is what was preselected in DL (and again manually in DJI GO), why then is DL giving me this -1700 error ? What does it even mean ?
Don't get me wrong here : I'm super thrilled with the possibilities of DL, but it's not that intuitive for the noob I am to get things rolling properly (especially when the error msgs don't seem to make sense)...
"there's no way to plug in an external SD card into the mavic pro platinum"
You can absolutely put an SD card into the Mavic. If you don't have an SD card in the drone that could be the source of the problem. Unfortunately the error messages we are showing come straight from the SDK and DJI doesn't use the best language for a lot of them.
No I formulated myself wrongly : i meant there's only an internal slot for the SD card for the mavic, not an external one. That's why I don't get the SD card error of DL, because the SD card is the only storage option for the MPP.
To be clear, what DJI means by "internal" is memory that is soldered to the motherboard inside the drone. SD Card means the slot that you can plug external micro SD cards into.
ok. So now that i had the 'external' SD card plugged in, and selected the SD Card option for the camera storage location in DL, how come i got that type of error? What was DL expecting ?
It's possible that the DJI SDK rejects that command for Drones that don't have internal storage. Granted, they should probably just ignore it but it looks like they are throwing an error. Your options are just remove the command since you know it will never matter in your case with your specific drone, or if you intend to run this same plan on some drones where it does matter, mark the command as "not required" under the advanced options so that way failure of the command doesn't fail the mission.
"just remove the command since you know it will never matter in your case with your specific drone"
Yea, that's why I thought myself. Will fly the mission again tomorrow and see whether that'll do the fix. Will update. Thanks for your feedback and reactivity and do keep up the good work !
Ok gave it a few shots again today, and still no go... Not getting the storage error anymore, but now getting photo interval error. I did change the format to JPEG for my 2 seconds interval (because of the hardware limitations of shooting RAW with those settings) but yielding mission aborted. Strangely, when changing to 3 seconds interval in DL and loading mission from anew on my iOS still got the same 2 second interval error, as if DL didn't take into consideration the change. I had set the camera settings to a single shot. Is that the correct setting for doing mapping with 'normal' grid pattern ?
The camera photo type needs to be set to "Interval" in order to issue the "Photo Interval" command:
Having said that, you don't actually have to issue that command yourself when using the Map component type - Dronelink automatically does this for you.
ok, so again, if this is automatically included in the map component type, it'd be better to just drop this command?
Well, just did so and giving me alert in DJ :
Should i just erase all photo settings?
The map component automatically does all the camera commands for you unless you select none for the capture mode (meaning you either don't want it to capturing anything - uses cases like manual search and rescue, or you intend to use custom settings):
If you have photo selected then you don't need anything extra.
ok thanks for clearing that up. Will try now. Facing funny new issue : edited original mission in DL web app reducing from 10 components to 4, then hit to my iOS app which hadn't updated the changes. So logged out logged in, still no go. Then logged out from web app and back in and it loaded the earlier version with 10 components. Do I need to manually save changes in DL web app and if so, how?
Changes are saved and synced across all devices automatically. As you make changes you should notice the timestamp updating here:
We have seen a few cases where the timestamp will stop updating, especially if you have a really large plan open for a long time on a machine with very little memory. If you keep seeing this happen let us know the steps to reproduce it.
ok simply logged out an in again in the web app, made the changes and this time it worked. Actually just flew my first mission (at last...). There were still a few hiccups though : the mission stopped thrice because the drone was flying too slow in its opinion. I guess that's another setting I overlooked ? I had set max speed to 30 kph, but basically the drone flew between 8-10 kph. I could restart the mission every time, but after the second relaunch, I noticed it didn't trigger the automatic image capturing and I had to do it manually. Afterwards it continued as it was supposed to.
Do you mean you were getting the Device Running Too Slow message?
yep. And then it stopped and just hovered until i manually relaunched it.
The resolutions are listed in the FAQ article.
This is how the hiccup turned out in metashape :
"configure the behavior of the drone in the event that you lose connection"
so this means it's basically a mere signal loss ? How can this be ? The drone never go further than 200 m and I continually had it in eyesight.
No, the article linked above is talking about the Device Running Too Slow message. You need to get a better mobile device basically.
Ah ok now i see, so it's not dependent on the drone (because it's brand new), but on my iPhone ! Allright, so i guess I'll have to upgrade my iPhone SE basically...
The iPhone SE is a 3.5 year old device, and was essentially using a 2 year-old processor when it was launched. Definitely will not be a good experience with Dronelink.
Ok then, was hoping to wait out until a notch-free iPhone to upgrade, but I'll see. At least I know now what's the reason !
A last question : is it a necessity to maintain an eye-contact with the drone in order to make sure there's no connection loss? This is obviously difficult in hilly terrain with lots of trees, surely the drone will sometimes dip "under the radar". Would that really be an issue if we're talking about a mere 200 meters distance f.ex. ?
Radio signals have a very hard time penetrating earth. Be careful.
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