Device too slow error and Electromagnetic interference issue
Running a short (3 minute) mission on iPad mini 4 and getting a "Device too slow" error, mission was aborted. I setup and ran a very similar mission in Litchi and did a free form mission in DJI Go 4, no errors, issues. I'm flying with a Mavic Pro 2.
Additionally I am regularly receiving a warning "Electromagnetic interference at sticks...", which I get no errors when using DJI Go 4 or Litchi from exact same take off spot and where I was standing. I even moved in different directions but that didn't eliminate the warning.
I should also add that my DJI Go 4 and Litchi app and Mavic Pro 2 firmware are all up to date.
Are there minimum requirements for running the software?
Here is a link to the flight:
See these articles:
Thanks Jim. I will have to think about both articles, particularly the first article.
hmmm, the first link you provided would be bad news for me...I don't want to upgrade to a higher $$ iPad and the mission I had was a small mission so I don't see splitting missions as feasible for my use. It would be too much of a pain. I was surprised that error came up, the mission was not very complex and was only about 1.5 minutes into it so it sound like my "normal" missions of 15-25 minutes would not work well.
Also on the SDK erroneously reporting the interference warning... why doesn't DJI GO 4 or Litchi report the same issue when I'm taking off and standing in the same exact location and using current versions of everything? I don't ever recall getting the warning message before today and only with Dronelink.
In this case it is probably less about the complexity of the mission, and more that your device is over 4 years old, and wasn't particularly powerful when it came out. You really should consider upgrading if you want the most out of Dronelink. Even a 2-3 year-old iPad will be leaps and bounds better. The mini just wasn't very good to begin with sadly.
DJI GO doesn't use the DJI SDK, and Litchi implemented their own UI controls because they created their app before the UI Library in the DJI SDK existed.
Hmmm. I'll have to see if Santa will be generous this year. I guess this answered one of my questions about connectivity in that it appears there needs to be a constant connection for Dronelink to process the flight components in real time and send to the drone in real time.
Do you have any minimum specs available for android or apple tablets. I guess I was under the impression the iPad mini 4 was powerful enough but I'm not an apple guy so I don't know for sure.
Minimum system requirements are difficult as there are so many factors that come in to play. Really the best we can say is iOS 11 and Android 5, and any devices that can at least run those operating systems, but the reality is the newer the device the better the experience in general.
My iPad mini 4 is running 12.x but I guess Dronelink is too much for it, and I have minimal apps installed since the only purpose this tablet serves is for flying my Mavic Pro 2. For now I'm mostly out of the game it appears.
Maybe Dronelink could use some type of CPU benchmark app (or rating) to help determine if any given tablet would perform well enough. Just a thought.
As it is, I'm going to have to go back to my true blue Litchi :)
Everybody else, have fun!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I can tell you specifically that the iPad Mini is underpowered and outdated.
OK, I was hoping that wasn't going to be the case and will have to stick with what I'm currently using.
I don't think this would have ended up being a good fit for me due to the fact that it appears there needs to be a connection all of the time to the drone. I live in an urban area and although there are safe places to fly I do occasionally lose signal for a few seconds due to RF interference. In other cases where I fly in the country (family farm) there are also times when the drone would even lose signal at a greater distance and autonomous flight comes in handy then.
Thanks for your help and responses!
I, too, had the device too slow. I am on a Galaxy S7 Edge running Android 8. Is there any optimization in the code possible that would use less resources. I had a simple approach and 100 ft orbit, nothing else and it took off then warned me about device too slow. I will try on a Lenovo tablet at the weekend that runs Android 8 also. I know I have a plethora of apps installed on my phone unlike the tablet which I only use to fly. My UAS is a Mavic 2 Zoom.
Optimization is a never ending battle. We have done a lot of work to try to support older devices as best as possible but in the end we recommend using modern tablets for the best possible experience. If you think there is a bug, share a link to the flight plan and we can try it on our S7.
I was thinking about my dilemma with older hardware and whilst I am not writing off the idea of a new tablet, it is costly for me. I was thinking of a Samsung Tab S6, will that work?
Have you flown with an S7? I ask this because as I mentioned earlier I have a ton of apps installed which may be eating up the valuable resources I need for Dronelink to work.
In essence I want Dronelink to work for me because of the rich features but ultimately I am trying to justify cost. What is the lowest spec of device (read cheapest) you have it working with?
Anything released within the last year or two should be a good to great user experience. Anything older than 2 years starts to degrade pretty quickly. The issue is there is not minimum set of specs that can still provide a "great" experience. Basically its a sliding scale as you go further and further into the past.
Same exact symptoms as I experience on my iPad Mini 4, and my Crystalsky chokes on the required Google Services. So I’ll have to continue using Litchi on those two devices. However, Dronelink works okay on my iPhone 7 so I won’t be totally Dronelinkless.
Been using DL for about a week now, S7 Edge with Mavic Mini and Spark. Using Paths and Markers I got several Plans to run near perfect for filming.
Then I started getting this error yesterday (Dervice too slow), no change to the hardware, even a simple plan with 2 waypoints will not complete.
Unless there was a DJI Fly update (their SDK) or a DL update I am at a loss.
Not sure if this is related, I copied a Camera Reset List from a DL example plan, ran it as immediate on first Approach, most components were not required. The plan failed twice so I brought it back, updated the plan by removing the camera reset, then i started getting the Device Too Slow error, no matter how small the Plan is on my Mini.
Did environment factors change (heat, direct sunlight) or did the battery get low (and thus Android started under-clocking the device)?
Its been overcast the past few days so no daylight, except for 2 min runs outside phone says indoors at 71F so not a heat problem, keep phone at 70% and up so not a battery problem.
Started looking at my phones performance, there was an instance of DL that keeps running in the background, even after phone restart and phone shut down then power up. Settings/Device Manager/Battery was where I found that instance. I killed the instance, restarted phone, ran a simple DL plan, only had 1 Device Too Slow error, pressing Play to re-run the Plan from last waypoint.
My guess is the Camera Reset List on my Mini caused that DL instance to lock and stay running, somehow got added to my startup process so it kept running after phone restarts. I will keep digging and keep everyone posted on what I find.
About to upgrade to a Note 8 (Android 9). Probably not a bad idea to find a good performance monitor app until then.
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