Web app in Chrome/Safari on iPad
It seems that one can not access the public Repos if one goes into the web app link on the iPad, only the DL Repos are visible. I know the web app is designed for desktop use but it would often be handy to be able to preview some of the repos when not sitting at my desk.
The same applies to viewing missions/plans linked in forum discussions - the link goes as far as the web app but then loads a blank white screen.
The public repositories (both Dronelink and Most Starred) are coming up on our test iPads and iPhones. Maybe try a different browser or reset the browser cache?
Thanks. So, I can get into both the Dronelink and the Most Starred, though in the latter, only Dronelink components are shown, not any shared by users.
When following a mission link, it correctly opens the web app, briefly shows the “you are seeing a shared mission” notice/pop up (not easy to get that accurate because it’s there for such a short time) then it immediately jumps to a blank screen. Both in Safari and Chrome on iPad Mini 4, iOS 12.4.
Well, clearing the website data seems to have done the trick for now. Odd behaviour though.
The Dronelink repos show up at the top of Most Starred because they currently have the most stars. If you scroll down you will see repos by other people. Is the blank screen issue fixed for you now?
Both issues seem to be fairly well sorted thanks. I don’t think the iPad (mini) has the processing power to run the Mission Preview video, though it does load the path, markers, and waypoints.
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