Seeming to have a Heading error.


Out this evening trying a Heading offset to path mission.  I set the Heading to 10 degrees - Reference Path to angle the M2 to the right slightly as it followed the path.  When reviewed in the Preview window everything looked good.

During flight though the drone had a Heading slightly to the left of the path as if I had set -10 degrees or 350 degrees.

I will try to set up another longer one to see if this was a fluke or a bug.




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I think this is the same issue being discussed here:


  • Comment author

    One difference from what was described there is that I had no props in view; could be it just wasn't off center far enough.  I don't know for certain that the gimbal was off center.  

    In his case he did not command a heading difference from path direction as I did.  If in fact the M2 did have a craft heading 10 degrees to the right of path as commanded yet had a gimbal heading left of path then the gimbal was probably 20 degrees off center to the left.

    Storms today will try to sort out later in the week.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I think it probably just wasn't off center enough - it seems to get worse over time as the mission progresses.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I was able to reproduce a gimbal drift earlier today.

    Before mission:

    After mission:

    I recalibrated the IMU and Gimbal and have not been able to reproduce the issue since.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    This is what the app looked like (when the gimbal was drifting):

  • Comment author

    Exactly the same I saw but mirror image. Drone facing left and gimbal off to the right.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    If you do an IMU calibration does the issue go away?

  • Comment author

    After updating everything, calibrating IMU and gimbal I flew my "simple test" mission again ( this morning. After the mission ended, I lowered the M2P and looked at the gimbal position:

    Note that the gimbal is still off-center to the right. All else appeared to be the same other than the fact that dronelink managed to freeze up my Smart Controller when I tried to load this flight plan but the WiFi was accidentally disabled. I could not "force stop" dronelink. I had to reboot the smart controller, re-enable wifi and its connection, then load the plan. That worked.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Looks like the same issue I have been seeing. Planning to ask the DJI SDK team about it at Airworks.

  • Comment author
    Waa Productions

    Jim anything new on this issue. It’s been difficult to get repeatable framing on orbits. This is especially important with M2P in HQ mode when the FOV is much more narrow. I can fly the same mission and get different results. I was hoping it would be better at slower speed like 10mph instead of 15 or 20, but no go. IMU and gimbal calibrations don’t seem to change behavior on orbits either

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    No updates since DJI released the updated firmware last month - are you using it?

  • Comment author
    Waa Productions

    Yes been using the new fw.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Are you noticing the gimbal drifting like the pictures above or just a wrong aircraft heading?

  • Comment author
    Waa Productions

    Unfortunately I did not look at the compass heading during the flight. All I know is when running the same mission with a partial orbit, the center position was offset on the view.
    Is there a way for me to check the flight data after the fact?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Not sure. The best way is to look at the compass during flight or at the gimbal itself after it lands (like the pictures above).

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff
    • Edited

    We have a potential fix for this on dev (Build 53). Let me know if you want to test it and don't have access to dev yet.

  • Comment author
    Waa Productions

    ok I tried this on the smart controller and here were my results:

    Pre-flight compass calibration

    Flight 1: gimbal was off center as I ran a partial orbit.  The gimbal and drone were in different positions on the app also. I think it may have been opposite of experiences you nmentioned above, but can't remember.  I can share video footage if you like. When drone landed, gimbal was off center.

    Swapped battery and did a gimbal calibration

    Flight 2: gimbal was perfect for the entire flight path (incl. orbit)

    Swapped battery

    Flight 3: gimbal started out at center during dolly then orbit, but by end of flight path, noticed it was off center again.

    hope this helps with troubleshooting.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Were you running version 1.1.1? This issue should be corrected in that version.

  • Comment author
    Waa Productions

    The smart controller app shows version 1.0.1 (2044). I thought it auto updates to latest version?


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