Before I fly for the first time....

Dan Churchman

...I have two burning questions, which are probably dumb.  But I'd rather ask a stupid question or two rtaher than have an unhappy event, so...

  1. I have TestFlight and Dronelink installed (Dronelink successfully updated this morning, btw).  Which do I launch?
  2. Please confirm.  If I press the RTH on my controller, the drone will abandon the mission regardless of what it's doing, and perform the RTH maneuver.

Thanks in advance.




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    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    TestFlight is Apple's software which allows you to download beta versions of apps that aren't available yet in the App Store. Once you have the beta version of Dronelink installed, you don't need to worry about TestFlight anymore.

    Pressing the RTH button and toggling the flight mode switch both cause the mission to immediately disengage. In the case of RTH, it will start flying to the home point immediately. In the case of the flight mode switch, the drone will just hover.


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