Speed ramping of transitions?
Cinematic filming needs Expos or speed ramping in and out of transitions in pitch and yaw. Having that ramping in transitions is what made the Solo the best in smooth moves.
My analysis over the years has shown that Litchi and Autopilot could get close (with careful mission planning) but never quite get the cinematic moves to a satisfactory level some of us would like to see.
How is Dronelink addressing transition speed ramping?
You can shape the interpolation on markers by revealing the advanced settings. When curved interpolation is selected, use the slider to get the exact shape you want.
Thanks Jim I will play with that. In looking I could see the start of the transition impacted by the setting, wasn't so sure about the end. May just be the transition.
Another thing I have not figured out is why the gimbal pitch drops in the middle of a transition from one POI to another. Leaving one POI the pitch is as high as -19, entering the next as high as -24; yet in the middle it drops to -44. This really messes up the flow of the pan.
I thought I might be able to fix the controlling POI marker by using the ADD ANOTHER PARAMETER feature but selecting gimbal or heading turns off the Markers POI status.
Can you include a link to the mission plan?
POI interpolation actually interpolates the GPS coordinates, which means during part of the transition the coordinate relative to the drone is more directly beneath the drone causing a lower pitch. If you don’t like this behavior you need to use heading and gimbal angles instead. We are about to post a video showing a visual technique to do this.
What explains why the transition directly before that one (M3 to M4) doesn't exhibit the same gimbal drop (M4 to M5)?
This one? It looks like the red dot (focus point of the transition) is where it should be. Maybe I am misunderstanding.
That is what I am getting at. The gimbal does not drop as it does between the next two M4 to M5? Whey the difference?
The point on the ground in the first image is further from the drone than the second image, resulting in a higher pitch angle.
I got it now. Ways to avoid unwanted downward pitch; 1) move flight path back away from line intersecting two POIs or 2) put in a intermediate POI to pull intersecting lines away from established flight path.
I think if you are going to those lengths to get the desired behavior, you should consider using headings / gimbal angles. Video coming soon showing the technique.
Might I humbly suggest that you change the gimbal behavior to look at the "leaving" POI gimbal angle, and the "approaching" POI gimbal angle, and control the gimbal as a smooth transition between these two angles.
Or at least offer that behavior as an option.
I think what we could do is add an interpolation option that lets you choose the method (location based vs implied drone heading / gimbal angle).
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