Jerky movement even with rounded waypoints.

Daren Clodio

When creating a 90 degree waypoint, I am getting jerky motion from the drone as it curves into the next waypoint. Is this just inevitable when the curve is tight? I have the waypoint curved and both the drone (Mavic 2 Pro) and the gimbal set to follow path. What do I need to do to make the footage smoother?




  • Comment author


    This one I have plenty of experience with.  The fault is with the Mavic2P, I have one also.  It doesn't matter what Waypoint program you use it will still be there until DJI fixes the problem with the M2.  The DJI Go4 Waypoint has the same issue.  DJI is aware of the issue, and indicates they will fix it the next firmware update; I just hope that is within my lifetime!

    More gentle turns and panning helps some as does any Stabilizing you can do in post.  Get on the DJI forum and let them know this is not acceptable on their flagship "Pro" craft.




  • Comment author
    Daren Clodio

    Thanks again for your insight Greg. I have an I2 and will try and see if I get better results.

  • Comment author

    Yes, the I2 should do well.  Please report back so you can confirm it is in fact a M2 issue as I fear it is.


  • Comment author
    Eric Goldstein

    As an FYI - I did test with the I2 -both using the gimbal and the quad to track.  Both were hyper smooth..

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Can you post a link to the mission plan?

  • Comment author
    Daren Clodio
    • Edited


    These are the results - 


    I am trying to make a fluid 90 degree left hand turn while keeping the gimbal pitched -15 degrees. I am also trying to keep the road somewhat centered. 



  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Definitely see what you mean. Can you post the I2 results as a comparison?

  • Comment author

    If that is the Mavic2 disease, that sure is a bad case.

  • Comment author
    Hakon Lislebo

    I noticed similar behaviour to the one in the video in the mission preview on a path section where drone heading was set to "path". Have not flown it yet.
    I also have the M2P and see a difference in panning smoothness when using waypoints compared to original MP.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Link to the mission plan showing the issue in the previewer?

    You saw a difference in Dronelink between the MP2 and the MP?

  • Comment author
    Hakon Lislebo
    • Edited

    Here is the link. Follow path from marker 8.

    I have not seen any difference in the dronelink app between M2P and MP, it is a flaw with the M2P drone. An annoying one BTW.

    Anyway - the turn while follow path is jerky in the preview, it could very well be how it is, but it looked different to low update rate of the 3D window. Rain is preventing me from fly the mission to see real drone behavior.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Yes, I believe this may just be an artifact of the refresh rate in the 3D window. Post the real results so we can compare if possible.

  • Comment author
    Andrew Keegan

    Does editing the Yaw rate in the Sensitivity and Gain settings of the DJI GO 4 app make any difference? It does make the yaw smoother under manual control.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Doubtful but if you would like to test and report back that would be helpful. We are working a few other angles from a coding standpoint. Stay tuned.

  • Comment author
    Andrew Keegan

    Will do.


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