Mavic 3 E mission plan closing
we're using a MAVIC 3 E with mission flight for creating orthophotos. We're experiencing a minor but annoying bug since Dronelink 5.0.0. Here's the description :
1- Open the remote and drone. Dronelink is starting by default at the opening of the remote.
2- Force close DJI Pilot 2
3- Start the mission plan
4- The drone will start the mission as usual and after a short period of time (within 1 minutes), the mission chosen in dronelink close and dronelink return to the mission menu.
5- Reselect the mission (always loading longer that time) and charge the mission. Continue flying as usual.
6- Error message appears within 1 or 2 minutes about erronous regional parameters. Repress play on the mission.
7- It's now working for as long the remote ain't shutdown.
That's the point here, I flew a couple of mission without having to close the remote and the bug only appears at the first mission!
I flew at least 20 missions with the exact same bug at every remote opening.
Anybody else experience this problem?
DJI RC Pro ENTERPRISE remote : Dronelink Version 5.0.0 (298) Noyau 5.0.0 / DJI Pilot 2 2024-11-21
DJI MAVIC 3 E : DJI 10.01.503
Can you share a screen recording showing the behavior and share the mission plan that causes the issue?
here's the recording showing the 2 bugs :
At 2:20, the mission close and Dronelink returns to the mission menu.
At 4:20, the mission shows the erronous region paramaters.
Here's the mission plan link :
Is the RC connected to the internet. If so, can you try running with it offline and see if it still happens?
It was offline has we mostly run our missions.
The mission was opened with internet to download the plan in the remote but it wasn't downloaded for offline with the specific function.
Can you try running with it online the whole time and see if it happens?
Ok. I'll try that as soon as possible.
Hi Jim,
I flew the plan with internet the whole time and it went without a probem! None of the two mentionned bugs appeared during the flight.
I hope this will help you resolving those little bugs.
That definitely helps. Hopefully we can correct this in the next build.
I wish to.
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