Web Browser Map Planning Lag or Just Slow


Hi folks,

Been trying to search the forums, found a post from 3 years ago about what seem so to be a similar issue. Then, it was offered to try a beta version of the webapp, yet it is no longer available (even though folks reported it skyrocketed). Another post, again 3 years ago, spoke about upcoming optimizations... so... 2024! :D yay...

It is awkward I didn't see any recent post with that issue. I've been using both Brave (/chrome) and Firefox - and the behavior is the same. When I plan a map mission, and start dragging it (at most I had 6 or 7 pins) - the ui responsiveness is very slow, 2 to 4 seconds response delay once I move a pin or make a change to flight attribute. 

The two missions I've planned so far were of 0.25km^2 and perimeter of 2km (total flight of 16km). With a Mavic Pro 2, it takes roughly 54 minutes to traverse the entire thing. I specify this in order to provide details about the size of the map and perhaps this would indicate whether I'm pushing the webapp to its limits.

If I were to move a pin here, the response time would take 4 to 5 seconds per movement.

Is this normal? 

So far I find the value of DroneLink to suppress that of Pix4D - either browser or phone app - so I'd very much like to hope the issue with me not knowing how to put my PC to better use (its not a slow machine btw, 11900k cpu, 128gb ram and 4080gtx). Thanks ;)




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    whether I'm pushing the webapp to its limits

    Yes this.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    As the warning indicates in the Web app you should create smaller mapping segments anyway. A very large map like what your trying to use will more than likely have issue anyway. Also possible the mission may not succeed with a very large map depending on what device you’re using. You will need battery swaps anyway so much better to run smaller maps which will succeed without all the headaches.

  • Comment author

    Thank you Jim and Mike, appreciate you taking the time.

    Truth be told, if I'm patient with the "lagging", flying the distance isn't that bad. First time I used dronelink a few days ago and it ran for 1 hour and 10 minutes (requiring 3 battery swaps on the Mavic 2 pro). Yesterday was the same.

    Dronelink is less conservative of "leftover battery percentage" allowing extra juice out of the battery (while Pix4D would always return way too soon, for example). So when it comes to performing the mission, I'd admit - its impressive.


    Anyways, regarding the lagging (And the large map sizing). Here are two separate missions under which a warning isn't given, and again both Firefox and Brace exhibit quite annoying reaction times. I provided both a single component and double one. Both exhibit reaction times (moving a pin, setting overlaps percentage, changing height. Even simply changing a name of a component - responsiveness isn't immediate). 


    Mission 1 - Dual components (~5 seconds reaction time)

    Mission 2 - Single component (2-3 seconds reaction time)



    So, hoping to see optimization / improvement in the future, I guess I'd have to break down my missions into multiple separated ones. I probably missed that in the documentation, but, say I currently have a mission with 3 components (or I plan on mapping large area that would require 2 to 4 components - about 3 times larger than seen in the first screenshot). Can I somehow leverage Dronelink functionality in aligning my flight path **between** missions? (like plotting new missions based on a "ghost" of other missions?)

    Thanks guys.


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