Speed max setting (SOLVED)
When planning a map I am not allowed to regulate the flight speed, the option is frozen. How can I solve this problem?
When planning a map I am not allowed to regulate the flight speed, the option is frozen. How can I solve this problem?
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You need a professinsl Grotwh plan in order to utilize the capture speed. It should indicate that when you try to add a value.
Hi Mike, I'm referring to the maximum flight speed option, not the camera capture speed. In my first mappings this option was available, 1 week ago. I've seen that other people have asked the same thing on this medium, indicating that the parameter was modifiable and then blocked.
Excuse my English and thanks in advance.
Screenshot please.
It is currently working for me on a test premium account. Can you try a different browser?
I tested it in Mozilla and it works fine! Apparently the problem is with Google Chrome. Thank you very much for the help.
It’s due to your browsers font size. Reduce it in the browsers settings and it will work.
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